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Hutbe-i Şamiye/en: Revizyonlar arasındaki fark

"For example, the cause for shortening the ritual prayers while on a journey is hardship. But it cannot be the reason. For it has no determined limit and may be abused. The reason may only be the journey." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu
("Similarly, benefit may not be the reason for telling a lie. Because it has no specified limit and is a swamp breeding abuse. The judgement for a fatwa may not be based on it. In which case, “Either truthfulness or silence.” That is, there are two ways, not three; that is, not either the truth, or lies, or silence." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
("For example, the cause for shortening the ritual prayers while on a journey is hardship. But it cannot be the reason. For it has no determined limit and may be abused. The reason may only be the journey." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
277. satır: 277. satır:
Similarly, benefit may not be the reason for telling a lie. Because it has no specified limit and is a swamp breeding abuse. The judgement for a fatwa may not be based on it. In which case, “Either truthfulness or silence.” That is, there are two ways, not three; that is, not either the truth, or lies, or silence.
Similarly, benefit may not be the reason for telling a lie. Because it has no specified limit and is a swamp breeding abuse. The judgement for a fatwa may not be based on it. In which case, “Either truthfulness or silence.” That is, there are two ways, not three; that is, not either the truth, or lies, or silence.

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Since public order and security have been overturned through mankind’s evident and ghastly lying and wilful misrepresentations, and through its abuse of benefits, mankind is clearly commanded and compelled to close the third way. Otherwise, the world wars, hideous revolutions, and decline and destruction that humanity has suffered in the past half-century will bring down some overwhelming disaster on men’s heads.
İşte şimdi beşerin ortadaki dehşetli yalancılığıyla ve tezviratlarıyla emniyet-i umumiyenin ve rûy-i zemin asayişlerinin zîr ü zeber olması kizble ve maslahatın sû-i istimali ile olmasından, elbette o üçüncü yolu kapatmaya beşeri mecbur ediyor ve kat’î emir veriyor. Yoksa bu yarım asırda gördükleri umumî harpler ve dehşetli inkılablar ve sukutlar ve tahribatlar, başlarına bir kıyameti koparacak.

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Indeed, everything you say must be true, but it is not right to say everything true. If on occasion it is damaging, then be silent. But there is no fatwa for lying. Everything you say must be the truth, but you do not have the right to say everything that is true. Because if it is not sincere, it will have a detrimental effect and truth will be spent on wrong.
Evet, her söylediğin doğru olmalı fakat her doğruyu söylemek doğru değil. Bazen zarar verse sükût etmek… Yoksa yalana hiç fetva yok. Her söylediğin hak olmalı fakat her hakkı söylemeye senin hakkın yok. Çünkü hâlis olmazsa sû-i tesir eder; hak, haksızlıkta sarf olur.

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<span id="DÖRDÜNCÜ_KELİME:"></span>
====Fourth Word====

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What I am certain of from my experience of social life and have learnt from my life-time of study is the following:
Bütün hayatımda, hayat-ı içtimaiye-i beşeriyeden kat’î bildiğim ve tahkikatların bana verdiği netice şudur ki:

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