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Hutbe-i Şamiye/en: Revizyonlar arasındaki fark

"For example, because of the fine national feeling they have taken from us, one of them says: “Should I die, let my nation live, for I have an everlasting life in my nation.”" içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu
("Beware, my brothers! Do not imagine that I am urging you with these words to busy yourselves with politics. God forbid! The truth of Islam is above all politics. All politics may serve it, but no politics can make Islam a tool for itself." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
("For example, because of the fine national feeling they have taken from us, one of them says: “Should I die, let my nation live, for I have an everlasting life in my nation.”" içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
329. satır: 329. satır:
Similarly, they have taken from us our elevated morals and a part of our fine character that touches on social life, and they have made them the means of their progress. And it is their dissipated morals and dissipated character that they have given us as their price.
Similarly, they have taken from us our elevated morals and a part of our fine character that touches on social life, and they have made them the means of their progress. And it is their dissipated morals and dissipated character that they have given us as their price.

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For example, because of the fine national feeling they have taken from us, one of them says: “Should I die, let my nation live, for I have an everlasting life in my nation.”
Mesela, bizden aldıkları seciye-i milliye ile bir adam onlarda der: “Eğer ben ölsem milletim sağ olsun. Çünkü milletimin içinde bir hayat-ı bâkiyem var.”

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They have taken these words from us and it is the firmest foundation in their progress. These words proceed from the religion of truth and the truths of belief. They are our property, the property of the believers.
İşte bu kelimeyi bizden almışlar ve terakkiyatlarında en metin esas da budur. Bizden hırsızlamışlar. Bu kelime ise din-i haktan ve iman hakikatlerinden çıkar. O bizim, ehl-i imanın malıdır.

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However, because of the obscene and bad character that infiltrated us from foreigners, a selfish man from among us says: “If I die of thirst, let it not rain again anywhere in the world. If I do not experience happiness, let the world go to rack and ruin as it wishes.” These ridiculous words arise from lack of religion and from not recognizing the hereafter. They have entered among us from outside and are poisoning us.
Halbuki ecnebilerden içimize giren pis ve fena seciye itibarıyla bir hodgâm adam bizde diyor: “Ben susuzluktan ölsem yağmur hiçbir daha dünyaya gelmesin. Eğer ben görmezsem bir saadeti, dünya istediği gibi bozulsun.” İşte bu ahmakane kelime dinsizlikten çıkıyor, âhireti bilmemekten geliyor. Hariçten içimize girmiş, zehirliyor.

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