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Hutbe-i Şamiye/en: Revizyonlar arasındaki fark

"Look, this child is answering our question just by the way he is acting. Let the innocent child be the teacher in our travelling school instead of me. See, his behaviour is stating the following truth:" içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu
("Man’s needs are endless and his enemies innumerable, his strength and capital insignificant, and the number of destructive, harmful humans who have become like monsters through lack of religion is increasing. In the face of those endless enemies and innumerable needs, man can continue his personal life only through the support and assistance proceeding from belief, and can maintain his social life only through the mutual consultation enjoined by the Sh..." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
("Look, this child is answering our question just by the way he is acting. Let the innocent child be the teacher in our travelling school instead of me. See, his behaviour is stating the following truth:" içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
399. satır: 399. satır:
The cause of the truly strange fear, alarm and anxiety of those two strange heroes in the two comparisons was their lack of belief, their ignorance, and their misguidance; a truth which the Risale-i Nur demonstrates with hundreds of proofs. It is as follows:
The cause of the truly strange fear, alarm and anxiety of those two strange heroes in the two comparisons was their lack of belief, their ignorance, and their misguidance; a truth which the Risale-i Nur demonstrates with hundreds of proofs. It is as follows:

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Unbelief and misguidance show to the people of misguidance a universe consisting wholly of series of terrible enemies. Thousands of different enemies from the solar system to tubercular bacteria are attacking unfortunate humanity with the hands of blind force, aimless chance, and deaf nature.By presenting to man’s comprehensive disposition, and his endless needs and infinite desires, continuous fear, pain and anxiety, unbelief and misguidance are forms of Hell; it puts those who follow it into a sort of Hell while still in this world.All science and human progress outside religion and belief is worth nothing, like the heroism of Rustam and Hercules. All it does is to administer injections to deaden the senses so that through drunkenness and dissipation those grievous fears may be temporarily forgotten.
Küfür ve dalalet, bütün kâinatı ehl-i dalalete binler müthiş düşmanlar taifeleri ve silsileleri gösteriyor. Kör kuvvet, serseri tesadüf, sağır tabiat elleriyle, manzume-i şemsiyeden tut tâ kalpteki verem mikroplarına kadar binler taife düşmanlar bîçare beşere hücum ettiklerini ve insanın câmi’ mahiyeti ve küllî istidadatı ve hadsiz ihtiyacatı ve nihayetsiz arzularına karşı mütemadiyen korku, elem, dehşet ve telaş vermesiyle küfür ve dalalet bir cehennem zakkumu olduğunu ve bu dünyada da sahibini bir cehennem içine koyduğunu; din ve imandan hariç binler fen ve terakkiyat-ı beşeriye o Rüstem ve Herkül’ün kahramanlıkları gibi beş para fayda vermediğini; yalnız iptal-i his nevinden muvakkaten o elîm korkuları hissetmemek için sefahet ve sarhoşlukla şırınga ediyor.

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