Translations:Yirmi Altıncı Lem'a/275/en

    Risale-i Nur Tercümeleri sitesinden

    Thanks to the sacred solace arising from belief and the Qur’an for the pains and despair at the adventures of my old age, I would not exchange this most distressing year of my old age for ten of the happiest years of my youth – especially since for those who repent and perform the obligatory prayers each hour in prison is the equivalent of ten hours’ worship, and with respect to merit, each transient day spent in illness and under oppression gains ten days of perpetual life. I thus understood from those warnings just how deserving of thanks are these days for someone like me awaiting his turn at the door of the grave. I exclaimed: “Endless thanks be to my Sustainer!”, and was happy at my old age and pleased with my imprisonment.