Translations:Yirmi Altıncı Lem'a/288/en

    Risale-i Nur Tercümeleri sitesinden

    Then our hidden enemies poisoned me; and the late Haf›z Ali, the martyr hero of the Risale-i Nur, went to hospital instead of me, travelled to the Intermediate Realm in my place, and made us weep despairingly. Before this calamity, on many occasions I had insisted on the mountain at Kastamonu: “My brothers, don’t give meat to the horse and grass to the lion!” That is to say: “Don’t give all the treatises to everyone, lest they use them to attack us.” Although Haf›z Ali (May God have mercy on him) was around seven days away on foot, as though he heard with his spiritual telephone, that same time he was writing to me: “Yes, Ustad, it is a wonder of the Risale-i Nur that horses should not be given meat, nor lions, grass. Rather, since horses should be given hay, and lions meat, he gave that lion-like Hoja the treatise on sincerity.” I received his letter seven days later. We worked it out, and at the same time I was shouting it out on the mountain, he was writing the strange words in his letter.