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AdGeçerli mesaj metni
 g العربية (ar)نزول سيدنا عيسى عليه السلام وقتله الدجالَ في آخر الزمان.
 g Deutsch (de)Hier handelt es sich darum, dass Jesus, mit dem der Friede sei, am Ende der Zeiten kommen und den Deddjal töten werde.
 g English (en)This is about Jesus (UWP) coming at the end of time(*<ref>*See, Muslim, Fitan, 110; Tirmidhi, Fitan, 59, 62; Abu Da’ud, Malahim, 14; Ibn Maja, Fitan, 33; Musnad, iii, 420; iv, 181, 226, 390; vi, 75.</ref>) and killing the Dajjal.(*<ref>*The Dajjal is the Antichrist, related to appear at the end of time. (Tr.)</ref>)
 g español (es)En relación a la venida de ‘Isa (Jesús), sea sobre él la Paz, y cómo matará al Daŷŷal al final de los tiempos.
 g Bahasa Indonesia (id)tentang turunnya Nabi Isa , serta bagaimana Ia mem- bunuh Dajjal di akhir zaman nanti.
 g português (pt)Trata-se de Jesus (a paz esteja com ele) chegando no final dos tempos e matar o Dajjal.
 g Türkçe (tr)Âhir zamanda Hazret-i İsa’nın (as) geleceğine ve Deccal’ı öldüreceğine dairdir.