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6 çeviri bulundu.
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g العربية (ar) | واتفاقُ العلماء المحققين من المفسرين لدى تفسيرهم: ﴿ وَانْشَقَّ الْقَمَرُ ﴾ |
g Deutsch (de) | Die Übereinstimmung aller Mufessirin, {Mufessir: Qur'an- oder Hadithkommentator} Ehl-i Tahqiq, {Ehl-i Tahqiq: Leute, die nach den Quellen suchen.} über die Auslegung dieser Ayah {"als der Mond gespalten wurde." (Sure 54, 1)} in Bezug auf dieses Ereignis... |
g English (en) | Their agreement in expounding the verse, And the moon is split of all exacting commentators on the Qur’an. The fact that, relying on numerous different chains of authorities and lines of transmission, all the scholars of the Prophetic Hadiths and transmitters of the sound narrations narrated the event.(*<ref>*Musnad, i, 377, 413, 447, 456; iii, 207, 220, 275, 278; iv, 81; Tafsir Ibn Kathir, vi, 469./ref>) |
g Bahasa Indonesia (id) | (2) kesepakatan para ulama tafsir saat menafsirkan ayat |
g shqip (sq) | Unanimiteti i tyre në shpjegimin e vërsetit Kur’anor وَ ان۟شَقَّ ال۟قَمَرُ “Dhe Hëna u ça më dysh” si dhe i të gjithë komentatorëve të vërtetë të Kur’anit. |
g Türkçe (tr) | Ve ehl-i tahkik umum müfessirlerin وَ ان۟شَقَّ ال۟قَمَرُ tefsirinde onun vukuuna ittifakı. |