Translations:On Altıncı Lem'a/70/en

    Risale-i Nur Tercümeleri sitesinden

    Since the most important truths in existence are mercy and life, and rain is the source of life and means of mercy, indeed is pure mercy, of a certainty intermediaries will not veil it, nor will laws and monotony screen the wishes that are God’s alone. In this way everyone in every situation will all the time be obliged to offer thanks and worship and supplications and prayers. If rain had been included under a law, everyone would have relied on the law and the door of thanks and supplication would have been closed.It is clear that there are numerous benefits in the sun’s rising, but since it is tied to a regular law, supplications are not offered for its rising and thanks are not given. And since because of the law it is a part of human knowledge that it will rise again tomorrow, it is not counted among the matters of the Unseen.