Translations:Yirmi Altıncı Lem'a/169/en

    Risale-i Nur Tercümeleri sitesinden

    The second time, the phrase “O Eternal One, You alone are Eternal!” was both a salve and an antidote for all those innumerable wounds. That is to say: “You are eternal. If the rest depart, let them; You are enough for me. Since You abide for ever, a single manifestation of Your mercy is sufficient in place of all transient things. Since You exist, everything exists for the person who knows of the connection with Your existence established through belief and Islam acts in accordance with that relation. Transience and decline, death and non-existence are a veil, a renewal; like travelling through different domains.” Thinking this, my painful, sad, grievous, dark, awesome, separation-stained state of mind was transformed into a happy, joyful, pleasurable, luminous, lovable, familiar state. My tongue and heart, indeed all the particles of my being through the tongue of disposition, exclaimed: “All praise be to God!”