Translations:On Yedinci Lem'a/69/en

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    There is no power in the unbelievers and misguided denying or disputing any truth of belief. Their agreement lacks power; a thousand deniers are equal to one denier. Even if the whole population of Istanbul, for example, denies seeing the new moon at the beginning of Ramadan, the proven testimony of two witnesses invalidates that great multitude’s negation and agreement.(*[1])In reality unbelief and misguidance are negation and denial, so are ignorance and non-existence, and the agreement of large numbers of unbelievers even has no significance.(*[2])Since matters of belief are true and established, and their validity is proven, the judgement of two believers based on certain witnessing takes preference and prevails over the agreement of those vast numbers of the misguided.

    1. *See, Abu Da’ud, Sawm, 14; al-Sarakhsi, al-Mabsut, iii, 139-40; al-Kashani, Bada‘i al-Sana‘i, ii,81-2; al-Marghinani, al-Hidaya, i, 121.
    2. *See, Qur’an, 59:14.