Translations:Yirmi Sekizinci Lem'a/121/en

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    In whichever corner of the world you listen, you will hear about it. And sometimes some vast mobilization is not against the enemy’s forces, but for a show of pomp and majesty. For example, the event of Muhammad (UWBP) and sacred occurrence of the Qur’an’s revelation were the most important events in the land of the heavens and were bruited in every corner of it. Then there were more falling stars, which was a dominical sign proclaiming the degree of splendour of the Qur’anic revelation and its glittering sovereignty and the degree of its truthfulness, which could be penetrated by no doubt, and was expressed and illustrated by the sentries posted on the distant, towering bastions of the vast heavens raining down missiles to drive off and repulse the devils. The Qur’an of Miraculous Exposition expounds and proclaims that cosmic proclamation, and alludes to those heavenly signs.