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Dördüncü Söz/en: Revizyonlar arasındaki fark

"As for the other servant, since he was luckless and a layabout, he spent twenty-three pieces of gold on the way to the station, wasting it on gambling and amusements. A single gold piece remained. His friend said to him: “Spend this last gold piece on a ticket so that you will not have to walk the long journey and starve. Moreover, our master is generous; perhaps he will take pity on you and forgive you your faults, and put you on an aeroplane as well...." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu
("The two servants set off after receiving these instructions. One of them was fortunate so that he spent a small amount of money on the way to the station. And included in that expense was some business so profitable and pleasing to his master that his capital increased a thousandfold." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
Etiketler: Mobil değişiklik Mobil ağ değişikliği
("As for the other servant, since he was luckless and a layabout, he spent twenty-three pieces of gold on the way to the station, wasting it on gambling and amusements. A single gold piece remained. His friend said to him: “Spend this last gold piece on a ticket so that you will not have to walk the long journey and starve. Moreover, our master is generous; perhaps he will take pity on you and forgive you your faults, and put you on an aeroplane as well...." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
Etiketler: Mobil değişiklik Mobil ağ değişikliği
11. satır: 11. satır:
The two servants set off after receiving these instructions. One of them was fortunate so that he spent a small amount of money on the way to the station. And included in that expense was some business so  profitable and pleasing to his master that his capital increased a thousandfold.
The two servants set off after receiving these instructions. One of them was fortunate so that he spent a small amount of money on the way to the station. And included in that expense was some business so  profitable and pleasing to his master that his capital increased a thousandfold.

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As for the other servant, since he was luckless and a layabout, he spent twenty-three pieces of gold on the way to the station, wasting it on gambling and amusements. A single gold piece remained. His friend said to him: “Spend this last gold piece on a ticket so that you will not have to walk the long journey and starve. Moreover, our master is generous; perhaps he will take pity on you and forgive you your faults, and put you on an aeroplane as well. Then we shall reach where we are going to live in one day. Otherwise you will be compelled to walk alone and hungry across a desert which takes two months to cross.”
Öteki hizmetkâr bedbaht, serseri olduğundan istasyona kadar yirmi üç altınını sarf eder. Kumara mumara verip zayi eder, bir tek altını kalır. Arkadaşı ona der: “Yahu, şu liranı bir bilete ver. Tâ bu uzun yolda yayan ve aç kalmayasın. Hem bizim efendimiz kerîmdir, belki merhamet eder, ettiğin kusuru affeder. Seni de tayyareye bindirirler. Bir günde mahall-i ikametimize gideriz. Yoksa iki aylık bir çölde aç, yayan, yalnız gitmeye mecbur olursun.”

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The most unintelligent person can understand how foolish, harmful, and senseless he would be if out of  obstinacy  he did not spend that single remaining gold piece on a ticket, which is like the key to a treasury, and instead spent it on vice for passing pleasure. Is that not so?
Acaba şu adam inat edip o tek lirasını bir define anahtarı hükmünde olan bir bilete vermeyip muvakkat bir lezzet için sefahete sarf etse; gayet akılsız, zararlı, bedbaht olduğunu, en akılsız adam dahi anlamaz mı?

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