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20 Eylül 2024

  • 08.1608.16, 20 Eylül 2024 fark geçmiş +102 Yirmi Sekizinci Lem'a/en"An important point concerning verses like these will be explained in connection with criticisms made by the people of misguidance. It is as follows:" içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu güncel
  • 08.1508.15, 20 Eylül 2024 fark geçmiş +58 Y Translations:Yirmi Sekizinci Lem'a/59/en"===In the Name of God, the Merciful, the Compassionate.===" içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu güncel
  • 08.1208.12, 20 Eylül 2024 fark geçmiş +127 Y Translations:Yirmi Sekizinci Lem'a/64/en"'''A Question''' How can incarceration in Hell for an infinite duration in return for unbelief for a short duration be justice?" içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu güncel
  • 08.1208.12, 20 Eylül 2024 fark geçmiş +613 Y Translations:Yirmi Sekizinci Lem'a/65/en"'''The Answer:''' Reckoning a year to be three hundred and sixty-five days, the law of justice requires for a one-minute murder, seven million eight hundred and eighty-four thousand minutes’ imprisonment. So, since one minute’s unbelief is like a thousand murders, according to the law of human justice, someone who lives a life of twenty years in unbelief and dies in that state deserves imprisonment for fifty-seven billion, two hundred and on thousand..." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu güncel
  • 08.1108.11, 20 Eylül 2024 fark geçmiş +708 Y Translations:Yirmi Sekizinci Lem'a/66/en"The reason for the connection between these two numbers, so far from one another, is this: since murder and unbelief are destruction and aggression, they have an effect on others. A murder which takes one minute negates on average at least fifteen years of the victim’s life, so the murderer is imprisoned in their place. While since one minute of unbelief denies a thousand and one divine names and denigrates their inscriptions, violates the rights..." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu güncel
  • 08.0908.09, 20 Eylül 2024 fark geçmiş −56 Yirmi Sekizinci Lem'a/en"Sometimes the situations and events that occur in them are the object of attention in respect of their universality and particularity and insignificance and immensity; that is to say, those particulars are to be seen in particular, near places, while the universals and immense matters are seen in universal, vast stations." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu
  • 08.0808.08, 20 Eylül 2024 fark geçmiş +17 Y Translations:Yirmi Sekizinci Lem'a/67/en"'''Said Nursî'''" içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu güncel
  • 08.0808.08, 20 Eylül 2024 fark geçmiş −221 Yirmi Sekizinci Lem'a/en"As for Paradise being seen from very close despite its great distance and being part of the World of Eternity, and sometimes fruits being plucked from it, this transient world and Manifest Realm is a veil to the World of the Unseen and Everlasting Realm as may be understood from the above two comparisons. Paradise may be seen everywhere by means of the mirror of the World of Similitudes, despite the distance of its supreme centre. So too, where there is..." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu
  • 08.0608.06, 20 Eylül 2024 fark geçmiş +534 Y Translations:Yirmi Sekizinci Lem'a/107/en"Spies from among the jinn and satans eavesdrop on events in the heavens, and like soothsayers, mediums, and some spiritualists, convey news from the World of the Unseen. So that their giving information about the Unseen should not give rise to any doubts when the Qur’an was first revealed, their continual espionage was prevented to a greater extent and they were repulsed by shooting stars. The following is a brief reply to an extremely important questi..." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu güncel
  • 08.0608.06, 20 Eylül 2024 fark geçmiş +148 Y Translations:Yirmi Sekizinci Lem'a/106/en"An important point concerning verses like these will be explained in connection with criticisms made by the people of misguidance. It is as follows:" içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu güncel
  • 08.0608.06, 20 Eylül 2024 fark geçmiş +408 Y Translations:Yirmi Sekizinci Lem'a/105/en"[So] they should not strain their ears in the direction of the Exalted Assembly, but be cast away from every side * Repulsed, for they are under a perpetual penalty, * Except such as snatch away something by stealth, and they are pursued by a flaming fire, of piercing brightness.(37:8-10) * And We have adorned the lowest heaven with lamps, and We have made them missiles to drive away the evil ones.(67:5)" içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu güncel
  • 08.0508.05, 20 Eylül 2024 fark geçmiş +52 Y Translations:Yirmi Sekizinci Lem'a/104/en"In the Name of God, the Merciful, the Compassionate." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu güncel
  • 08.0508.05, 20 Eylül 2024 fark geçmiş +54 Y Translations:Yirmi Sekizinci Lem'a/103/en"==The Twenty-Eighth Point of the Twenty-Eighth Flash==" içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu güncel
  • 08.0508.05, 20 Eylül 2024 fark geçmiş +15 Yirmi Sekizinci Lem'a/en"Also, however particular the truths of belief and the Qur’an and the events connected with Muhammad (UWBP), they are as though the greatest and most universal and important events and are published at the sublime throne and in the sphere of the heavens, the most universal sphere, in – if the comparison is not mistaken – the newspapers of the appointed events of the universe. They are discussed on every corner. Since from the..." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu
  • 08.0508.05, 20 Eylül 2024 fark geçmiş +176 Y Translations:Yirmi Sekizinci Lem'a/130/en"------ <center> The Twenty-Seventh Flash ⇐ | The Flashes | ⇒ The Twenty-Ninth Flash </center> ------" içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu güncel
  • 08.0308.03, 20 Eylül 2024 fark geçmiş −164 Yirmi Sekizinci Lem'a/en"As for a universal sphere being preoccupied with particular, personal matters; that is to say, satans rising to the heavens and eavesdropping in order to bring reports of the Unseen to soothsayers, and their bringing false, confused news, as is described in Qur’anic commentaries, it must be as follows:" içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu
  • 08.0108.01, 20 Eylül 2024 fark geçmiş +17 Y Translations:Yirmi Sekizinci Lem'a/129/en"'''Said Nursî'''" içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu güncel
  • 08.0108.01, 20 Eylül 2024 fark geçmiş +120 Y Translations:Yirmi Sekizinci Lem'a/128/en"Glory be unto You! We have no knowledge save that which You have taught us; indeed, You are All-Knowing, All-Wise.(2:32)" içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu güncel
  • 08.0008.00, 20 Eylül 2024 fark geçmiş +1 Yirmi Sekizinci Lem'a/en"The sphere of influence of Paradise too, which is from the world of eternity and everlasting realm, stretches out and spreads in luminous fashion beneath the veil of the manifest, despite its infinite distance." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu
  • 07.5907.59, 20 Eylül 2024 fark geçmiş +877 Y Translations:Yirmi Sekizinci Lem'a/127/en"Also, however particular the truths of belief and the Qur’an and the events connected with Muhammad (UWBP), they are as though the greatest and most universal and important events and are published at the sublime throne and in the sphere of the heavens, the most universal sphere, in – if the comparison is not mistaken – the newspapers of the appointed events of the universe. They are discussed on every corner. Since from the..." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu güncel
  • 07.5907.59, 20 Eylül 2024 fark geçmiş −40 Yirmi Sekizinci Lem'a/en"In whichever corner of the world you listen, you will hear about it. And sometimes some vast mobilization is not against the enemy’s forces, but for a show of pomp and majesty. For example, the event of Muhammad (UWBP) and sacred occurrence of the Qur’an’s revelation were the most important events in the land of the heavens and were bruited in every corner of it. Then there were more falling stars, which was a dominical sign proclaiming the degr..." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu
  • 07.5807.58, 20 Eylül 2024 fark geçmiş +512 Y Translations:Yirmi Sekizinci Lem'a/126/en"it is not a question of their going as far as the capital of the land of the heavens and gathering particular news; but of there being certain places resembling police outposts – if the metaphor is not mistaken – in the country of the heavens, which encompasses the atmosphere. In these they have relations with the country of the earth. The satans eavesdrop on particular events in those particular places. The human heart even is one such place, where..." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu güncel
  • 07.5807.58, 20 Eylül 2024 fark geçmiş +305 Y Translations:Yirmi Sekizinci Lem'a/125/en"As for a universal sphere being preoccupied with particular, personal matters; that is to say, satans rising to the heavens and eavesdropping in order to bring reports of the Unseen to soothsayers, and their bringing false, confused news, as is described in Qur’anic commentaries, it must be as follows:" içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu güncel
  • 07.5807.58, 20 Eylül 2024 fark geçmiş +750 Y Translations:Yirmi Sekizinci Lem'a/124/en"As for Paradise being seen from very close despite its great distance and being part of the World of Eternity, and sometimes fruits being plucked from it, this transient world and Manifest Realm is a veil to the World of the Unseen and Everlasting Realm as may be understood from the above two comparisons. Paradise may be seen everywhere by means of the mirror of the World of Similitudes, despite the distance of its supreme centre. So too, where there is..." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu güncel
  • 07.5707.57, 20 Eylül 2024 fark geçmiş −339 Yirmi Sekizinci Lem'a/en"Yes, such a tremendous heavenly sign, and the spying satans, who being made to do battle with the angels although they could have been blown away at the puffing of an angel, was surely to show the majesty of the Qur’anic Revelation’s sovereignty." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu
  • 07.5607.56, 20 Eylül 2024 fark geçmiş +894 Y Translations:Yirmi Sekizinci Lem'a/123/en"Also, this splendid exposition of the Qur’an and vast heavenly mobilization indicate that there was nowhere the jinns and devils could interfere on the long way from the heart of Muhammad (UWBP) to the world of the heavens and the Sublime Throne, not that the jinns and satans possess some power which drove the inhabitants of the heavens to fight them and defend against them. The Qur’anic Revelation was a truth discussed by all the angels in the heave..." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu güncel
  • 07.5607.56, 20 Eylül 2024 fark geçmiş +250 Y Translations:Yirmi Sekizinci Lem'a/122/en"Yes, such a tremendous heavenly sign, and the spying satans, who being made to do battle with the angels although they could have been blown away at the puffing of an angel, was surely to show the majesty of the Qur’anic Revelation’s sovereignty." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu güncel
  • 07.5507.55, 20 Eylül 2024 fark geçmiş +904 Y Translations:Yirmi Sekizinci Lem'a/121/en"In whichever corner of the world you listen, you will hear about it. And sometimes some vast mobilization is not against the enemy’s forces, but for a show of pomp and majesty. For example, the event of Muhammad (UWBP) and sacred occurrence of the Qur’an’s revelation were the most important events in the land of the heavens and were bruited in every corner of it. Then there were more falling stars, which was a dominical sign proclaiming the degr..." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu güncel
  • 07.5507.55, 20 Eylül 2024 fark geçmiş +68 Y Translations:Yirmi Sekizinci Lem'a/120/en"However, sometimes a minor, particular event occupies a vast world." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu güncel
  • 07.5507.55, 20 Eylül 2024 fark geçmiş +324 Y Translations:Yirmi Sekizinci Lem'a/119/en"Sometimes the situations and events that occur in them are the object of attention in respect of their universality and particularity and insignificance and immensity; that is to say, those particulars are to be seen in particular, near places, while the universals and immense matters are seen in universal, vast stations." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu güncel
  • 07.5407.54, 20 Eylül 2024 fark geçmiş +308 Y Translations:Yirmi Sekizinci Lem'a/118/en"Just as although, through the wisdom and power of the All-Wise and Glorious Maker, the centres of the senses in man’s head are all different, each governs the body taking it under its disposal; so the universe, the macroanthropos, comprises thousands of worlds one within the other like concentric circles." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu güncel
  • 07.5407.54, 20 Eylül 2024 fark geçmiş −73 Yirmi Sekizinci Lem'a/en"Like these two comparisons, although the land of the heavens is extremely distant in respect of its centre and capital, it has immaterial telephones reaching the hearts of men in the land of the earth. Furthermore, it does not only look to the corporeal world, but in one respect encompasses the Manifest World since it comprises the Spirit World and World of the Inner Dimension of Things." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu
  • 07.5407.54, 20 Eylül 2024 fark geçmiş +210 Y Translations:Yirmi Sekizinci Lem'a/117/en"The sphere of influence of Paradise too, which is from the world of eternity and everlasting realm, stretches out and spreads in luminous fashion beneath the veil of the manifest, despite its infinite distance." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu güncel
  • 07.5307.53, 20 Eylül 2024 fark geçmiş +393 Y Translations:Yirmi Sekizinci Lem'a/116/en"Like these two comparisons, although the land of the heavens is extremely distant in respect of its centre and capital, it has immaterial telephones reaching the hearts of men in the land of the earth. Furthermore, it does not only look to the corporeal world, but in one respect encompasses the Manifest World since it comprises the Spirit World and World of the Inner Dimension of Things." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu güncel
  • 07.5307.53, 20 Eylül 2024 fark geçmiş −107 Yirmi Sekizinci Lem'a/en"'''Secondly:''' We shall allude to those three truths which are supposed to be far from the reason with a comparison that will bring them close to narrow minds." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu
  • 07.5207.52, 20 Eylül 2024 fark geçmiş +900 Y Translations:Yirmi Sekizinci Lem'a/115/en"And for example, it sometimes happens that numerous countries and states whose capitals are different have sovereignty over a single country in different ways, through colonies, or concessions, or trade. Although the country’s subjects and nation are one, through its concessions, each state has connections with them. The affairs of those states, which are distant from one another, touch on each other; they come close to each other in all the houses o..." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu güncel
  • 07.5207.52, 20 Eylül 2024 fark geçmiş +566 Y Translations:Yirmi Sekizinci Lem'a/114/en"For example, if a state’s Army Office is in the east of the country, its Ministry of Justice in the west, its Education Ministry in the north, its Religious Affairs Department in the south, and its Civil Service in the centre, and each department and ministry communicates and is connected with the others by means of radio, telephone, and telegraph in most regular and orderly fashion, the whole country will quite simply be its Army Office t..." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu güncel
  • 07.5207.52, 20 Eylül 2024 fark geçmiş +160 Y Translations:Yirmi Sekizinci Lem'a/113/en"'''Secondly:''' We shall allude to those three truths which are supposed to be far from the reason with a comparison that will bring them close to narrow minds." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu güncel
  • 07.5107.51, 20 Eylül 2024 fark geçmiş +424 Y Translations:Yirmi Sekizinci Lem'a/112/en"'''Firstly:''' In the seven ‘Steps’ of the treatise called the Fifteenth Word, the repulsion and ejection with stars of diabolical spies from the heavens, expressed by the verse, And We have adorned the lowest heaven with lamps, and We have made them missiles to drive away the evil ones, is proved so certainly with seven premises that it convinces the obdurate materialist, silencing him and forcing him to accept it." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu güncel
  • 07.5107.51, 20 Eylül 2024 fark geçmiş +4 Yirmi Sekizinci Lem'a/en"'''The Answer:'''" içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu
  • 07.5007.50, 20 Eylül 2024 fark geçmiş +17 Y Translations:Yirmi Sekizinci Lem'a/111/en"'''The Answer:'''" içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu güncel
  • 07.5007.50, 20 Eylül 2024 fark geçmiş +333 Y Translations:Yirmi Sekizinci Lem'a/110/en"Also, the unimportant situation of an unimportant person being the subject of discussion in the Sublime Assembly in the universal, vast land of the heavens is not conformable with the wisdom of the utterly wise administration of the universe. Nevertheless, these three matters are considered to be among the truths of Islam." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu güncel
  • 07.5007.50, 20 Eylül 2024 fark geçmiş +395 Y Translations:Yirmi Sekizinci Lem'a/109/en"Also, it is said that some of the people of prophethood and some wonder-workers as though pluck the fruits of Paradise from nearby, which according to definite verses of the Qur’an, is above the heavens, and they sometimes gaze on Paradise from near at hand. This matter, which concerns infinite distance within infinite proximity, is not conformable with the understanding of the present age." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu güncel
  • 07.4307.43, 20 Eylül 2024 fark geçmiş −76 Yirmi Sekizinci Lem'a/en"'''Question:''' It is understood from verses like these that spying satans infiltrate the distant lands of the heavens in order to learn of some minor and even personal event in the Unseen. Rumours of such minor events as though spread everywhere in those vast lands, and any satan anywhere may hear a confused version of them and pass it on. However, reason and science cannot accept such a thing." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu
  • 07.4207.42, 20 Eylül 2024 fark geçmiş +399 Y Translations:Yirmi Sekizinci Lem'a/108/en"'''Question:''' It is understood from verses like these that spying satans infiltrate the distant lands of the heavens in order to learn of some minor and even personal event in the Unseen. Rumours of such minor events as though spread everywhere in those vast lands, and any satan anywhere may hear a confused version of them and pass it on. However, reason and science cannot accept such a thing." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu güncel
  • 07.4207.42, 20 Eylül 2024 fark geçmiş +44.255 Y Yirmi Sekizinci Lem'a/en"The Twenty-Eighth Flash" içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu
  • 07.3807.38, 20 Eylül 2024 fark geçmiş +23 Y Translations:Yirmi Sekizinci Lem'a/Page display title/en"The Twenty-Eighth Flash" içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu güncel
  • 07.3707.37, 20 Eylül 2024 fark geçmiş +14 Yirmi Yedinci Lem'a/en"------ <center> The Twenty-Sixth Flash ⇐ | The Flashes | ⇒ The Twenty-Eighth Flash </center> ------" içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu güncel
  • 07.3607.36, 20 Eylül 2024 fark geçmiş −29 Lem'alar/en"The Twenty-Eighth Flash" içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu güncel
  • 07.3607.36, 20 Eylül 2024 fark geçmiş +52 Y Translations:Lem'alar/28/en"The Twenty-Eighth Flash" içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu güncel
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