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Sekizinci Söz/en: Revizyonlar arasındaki fark

"Look, the unhappy traveller on the left road is all the time trembling with fear waiting to enter the dragon’s mouth, while the fortunate one is invited into a blooming, splendid garden full of fruit. And the unfortunate one’s heart is being pounded by an awful terror and grievous fear, while the fortunate one is gazing at and observing strange things as a delightful lesson, with a pleasant fear and loving knowledge. Also the miserable..." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu
("O my lazy soul! And O my imaginary friend! Come! Let us compare the position of these two brothers so that we can see how good comes of good and evil comes of evil. Let us find out." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
("Look, the unhappy traveller on the left road is all the time trembling with fear waiting to enter the dragon’s mouth, while the fortunate one is invited into a blooming, splendid garden full of fruit. And the unfortunate one’s heart is being pounded by an awful terror and grievous fear, while the fortunate one is gazing at and observing strange things as a delightful lesson, with a pleasant fear and loving knowledge. Also the miserable..." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
32. satır: 32. satır:
O my lazy soul! And O my imaginary friend! Come! Let us compare the position of these two brothers so that we can see how good comes of good and evil comes of evil. Let us find out.
O my lazy soul! And O my imaginary friend! Come! Let us compare the position of these two brothers so that we can see how good comes of good and evil comes of evil. Let us find out.

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Look, the unhappy traveller on the left road is all the time trembling with fear waiting to enter the dragon’s mouth, while the fortunate one is invited into a blooming, splendid garden full of fruit. And  the unfortunate one’s heart is being pounded by an awful terror and grievous fear, while the fortunate one is gazing at and observing strange things  as  a  delightful  lesson,  with  a  pleasant  fear  and  loving  knowledge. Also  the miserable one  is  suffering torments  in desolation, despair, and  loneliness, while  the fortunate one  is  enjoying  himself, full of  hope, longing, and  a  sense  of  belonging. Furthermore, the unfortunate one sees himself as a prisoner subject to the attacks of wild beasts, while the  fortunate one  is  an honoured guest  who  is on  friendly terms  and enjoying himself with the strange servants of his generous host. Also the unhappy one is hastening his torments by indulging in  fruits which are apparently delicious but in fact poisonous. For the fruits are samples; there is permission to taste them so as to seek the originals and become customers for them, but there is no permission to devour them like an animal. But the fortunate one tastes them and understands the matter; he postpones eating them and takes pleasure in waiting. Moreover, the unfortunate one is wronging himself. Through his lack of discernment, he is making a truth and a situation which are as clear and bright as daylight into a dark and oppressive fear, into a hellish delusion. He does not deserve pity, nor does he have the right to complain to anyone.
Bakınız, sol yolun bedbaht yolcusu, her vakit ejderhanın ağzına girmeye muntazırdır, titriyor. Ve şu bahtiyar ise meyvedar ve revnaktar bir bahçeye davet edilir. Hem o bedbaht, elîm bir dehşette ve azîm bir korku içinde kalbi parçalanıyor. Ve şu bahtiyar ise leziz bir ibret, tatlı bir havf, mahbub bir marifet içinde garib şeyleri seyir ve temaşa ediyor. Hem o bedbaht, vahşet ve meyusiyet ve kimsesizlik içinde azap çekiyor. Ve şu bahtiyar ise ünsiyet ve ümit ve iştiyak içinde telezzüz ediyor. Hem o bedbaht, kendini vahşi canavarların hücumuna maruz bir mahpus hükmünde görüyor. Ve şu bahtiyar ise bir aziz misafirdir ki misafiri olduğu Mihmandar-ı Kerîm’in acib hizmetkârları ile ünsiyet edip eğleniyor. Hem o bedbaht zâhiren leziz, manen zehirli yemişleri yemekle azabını tacil ediyor. Zira o meyveler, numunelerdir, tatmaya izin var, tâ asıllarına talip olup müşteri olsun. Yoksa hayvan gibi yutmaya izin yoktur. Ve şu bahtiyar ise tadar, işi anlar, yemesini tehir eder ve intizar ile telezzüz eder. Hem o bedbaht, kendi kendine zulmetmiş. Gündüz gibi güzel bir hakikati ve parlak bir vaziyeti, basîretsizliği ile kendisine muzlim ve zulümatlı bir evham, bir cehennem şekline getirmiş. Ne şefkate müstahaktır ve ne de kimseden şekvaya hakkı vardır.

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