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Sekizinci Söz/en: Revizyonlar arasındaki fark

"The dragon’s mouth being transformed into the door into the garden is a sign that, although for the people of misguidance and rebellion the grave is a door opening, in desolation and oblivion, onto a grave distressing as a dungeon and narrow as a dragon’s stomach, for the people of the Qur’an and belief, it is a door which opens from the prison of this world onto the fields of immortality, from the arena of examination onto the gardens of Parad..." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu
("As for the talisman, it is the mystery of the purpose of creation which is solved through the mystery of belief. And the key is “There is no god but God,” and, “God, there is no god but He, the Ever-Living, the Self-Subsistent.”" içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
("The dragon’s mouth being transformed into the door into the garden is a sign that, although for the people of misguidance and rebellion the grave is a door opening, in desolation and oblivion, onto a grave distressing as a dungeon and narrow as a dragon’s stomach, for the people of the Qur’an and belief, it is a door which opens from the prison of this world onto the fields of immortality, from the arena of examination onto the gardens of Parad..." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
60. satır: 60. satır:
As for the talisman, it is the mystery of the purpose of creation which is solved through the mystery of belief. And the key is “There is no god but God,” and, “God, there is  no  god but  He, the  Ever-Living, the Self-Subsistent.”  
As for the talisman, it is the mystery of the purpose of creation which is solved through the mystery of belief. And the key is “There is no god but God,” and, “God, there is  no  god but  He, the  Ever-Living, the Self-Subsistent.”  

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The dragon’s  mouth being transformed into the door into the  garden  is a sign that, although for the people of misguidance and rebellion the grave is a door opening, in desolation and oblivion, onto a grave distressing as a dungeon and narrow as a dragon’s stomach, for the people of the Qur’an and belief, it is a door which opens from the prison of this world onto the fields of immortality, from the arena of examination onto the  gardens of Paradise, and from the hardships of life onto the mercy of the All-Merciful One. The  savage lion turning into a friendly servant and a docile mount is a sign that, although for the people of  misguidance, death is a bitter, eternal parting from all their loved ones, and the expulsion from the deceptive paradise of this world and the entry in desolation and loneliness into the dungeon of the grave, for the people of guidance and the Qur’an it is the means of joining all their old friends and beloved ones who have already departed for the next world, and the means of entering their true homeland and abode of everlasting happiness. It is an invitation to the meadows of Paradise from the prison of this world, and a time to receive the wage bestowed out of the generosity of the Most Merciful and Compassionate One  for services rendered to Him, and a discharge from the hardship of the duties of life, and a rest from the drill and instruction of worship and examination.  
Ve o ejderha ağzı bahçe kapısına inkılab etmesi ise işarettir ki kabir ehl-i dalalet ve tuğyan için vahşet ve nisyan içinde, zindan gibi sıkıntılı ve bir ejderha batnı gibi dar bir mezara açılan bir kapı olduğu halde, ehl-i Kur’an ve iman için zindan-ı dünyadan bostan-ı bekaya ve meydan-ı imtihandan ravza-i cinana ve zahmet-i hayattan rahmet-i Rahman’a açılan bir kapıdır. Ve o vahşi arslanın dahi munis bir hizmetkâra dönmesi ve musahhar bir at olması ise işarettir ki mevt, ehl-i dalalet için bütün mahbubatından elîm bir firak-ı ebedîdir. Hem kendi cennet-i kâzibe-i dünyeviyesinden ihraç ve vahşet ve yalnızlık içinde zindan-ı mezara idhal ve hapis olduğu halde, ehl-i hidayet ve ehl-i Kur’an için öteki âleme gitmiş eski dost ve ahbaplarına kavuşmaya vesiledir. Hem hakiki vatanlarına ve ebedî makam-ı saadetlerine girmeye vasıtadır. Hem zindan-ı dünyadan bostan-ı cinana bir davettir. Hem Rahman-ı Rahîm’in fazlından kendi hizmetine mukabil ahz-ı ücret etmeye bir nöbettir. Hem vazife-i hayat külfetinden bir terhistir. Hem ubudiyet ve imtihanın talim ve talimatından bir paydostur.

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