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"Is it at all possible that God Almighty, He Who is worshipped by right, should create man within creation as the most significant of all of His servants with respect to His absolute dominicality and with respect to His universal dominicality in all of His realms; that He should make him the most thoughtful recipient of His glorious address, the most comprehensive mirror to the manifestation of His Names; that He should create him as the most beautiful..." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu
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Etiketler: Mobil değişiklik Mobil ağ değişikliği
("Is it at all possible that God Almighty, He Who is worshipped by right, should create man within creation as the most significant of all of His servants with respect to His absolute dominicality and with respect to His universal dominicality in all of His realms; that He should make him the most thoughtful recipient of His glorious address, the most comprehensive mirror to the manifestation of His Names; that He should create him as the most beautiful..." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
Etiketler: Mobil değişiklik Mobil ağ değişikliği
535. satır: 535. satır:
'''The Gate of Humanity, and the Manifestation of the Name of Truth'''
'''The Gate of Humanity, and the Manifestation of the Name of Truth'''

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Is it at all possible that God Almighty, He Who is worshipped by right, should create man within  creation as the most significant of all of His servants with respect to His absolute dominicality and with respect to His universal dominicality in all of His realms; that He should make him the most thoughtful recipient of His glorious address, the most comprehensive mirror to the manifestation of His Names; that  He should create him as the most beautiful miracle of His power in the fairest of forms, in order to  receive the manifestation of the Greatest Name, as well as that quality of the Greatest Name inherent in the other Names, in order for him to assess and perceive the contents of His treasuries of mercy; that He  should make him an investigator of secrets equipped more than any other creature with balances and instruments; and He should make him the most needy of all creatures with respect to His infinite gifts, the  one suffering most from annihilat ion and the one most desirous of immortality; that He should make him the most delicate, the poorest and neediest of animals, most wretched and subject to pain in his worldly life but most sublime in disposition, in the highest of forms and characters — is it possible that God  Almighty should do all this with man and not send him to the Eternal Realm for which he is suited and  fitted and for which he is longing? Is it possible that He should thus negate the whole essence of humanity, act in a manner totally contrary to His own veracity, and perform an act of injustice that the eye of truth must deem ugly?
Hiç mümkün müdür ki: Cenab-ı Hak ve Mabud-u Bi’l-hak, insanı şu kâinat içinde rububiyet-i mutlakasına ve umum âlemlere rububiyet-i âmmesine karşı en ehemmiyetli bir abd ve hitabat-ı Sübhaniyesine en mütefekkir bir muhatap ve mazhariyet-i esmasına en câmi’ bir âyine ve onu ism-i a’zamın tecellisine ve her isimde bulunan ism-i a’zamlık mertebesinin tecellisine mazhar bir ahsen-i takvimde en güzel bir mu’cize-i kudret ve hazain-i rahmetinin müştemilatını tartmak, tanımak için en ziyade mizan ve âletlere mâlik bir müdakkik ve nihayetsiz nimetlerine en ziyade muhtaç ve fenadan en ziyade müteellim ve bekaya en ziyade müştak ve hayvanat içinde en nazik ve en nazdar ve en fakir ve en muhtaç ve hayat-ı dünyeviyece en müteellim ve en bedbaht ve istidatça en ulvi ve en yüksek surette, mahiyette yaratsın da onu müstaid olduğu ve müştak olduğu ve lâyık olduğu bir dâr-ı ebedîye göndermeyip, hakikat-i insaniyeyi iptal ederek kendi hakkaniyetine taban tabana zıt ve hakikat nazarında çirkin bir haksızlık etsin?

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