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Onuncu Söz/en: Revizyonlar arasındaki fark

"In accordance with the mystery of equilibrium, let us imagine there to exist in space a balance so sensitive and at the same time so large that were two walnuts to be placed in its pans it would feel them, and be equally able to hold and to weigh two suns. If two suns of equal weight were placed in the pans of the scale; the same power, which causes one of the walnuts to be lifted up to the heavens and the other walnut to descend to the ground, will mo..." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu
("In accordance with the mystery of obedience, it causes a vast army to move with the same word that a commander uses to make a single infantryman move." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
("In accordance with the mystery of equilibrium, let us imagine there to exist in space a balance so sensitive and at the same time so large that were two walnuts to be placed in its pans it would feel them, and be equally able to hold and to weigh two suns. If two suns of equal weight were placed in the pans of the scale; the same power, which causes one of the walnuts to be lifted up to the heavens and the other walnut to descend to the ground, will mo..." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
581. satır: 581. satır:
In accordance with the mystery of obedience, it causes a vast army to move with the same word that a commander uses to make a single infantryman move.
In accordance with the mystery of obedience, it causes a vast army to move with the same word that a commander uses to make a single infantryman move.

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In accordance with the mystery of equilibrium, let us imagine there to exist in space a balance so sensitive and at the same time so large that were two walnuts to be placed in its pans it would feel them, and be equally able to hold and to weigh two suns. If two suns of equal weight were placed in the pans of the scale; the same power, which causes one of the walnuts to be lifted up to the heavens and the other walnut to descend to the ground, will  move  these  heavenly  bodies  with  the  same  ease.
Hem '''“muvazene” sırrıyla''', cevv-i fezada bir terazi ki öyle hakiki hassas ve o derece büyük farz edelim ki iki ceviz terazinin iki gözüne konulsa hisseder ve iki güneşi de istiab edip tartar. O iki kefesinde bulunan iki cevizi birini semavata, birini yere indiren aynı kuvvetle, iki şems bulunsa birini arşa, diğerini ferşe kaldırır, indirir.

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