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Onuncu Söz/en: Revizyonlar arasındaki fark

112 bayt kaldırıldı ,  30 Temmuz 2024
"Is there any possibility that belief in the hereafter should be false, which emerges like the sun from the thousands of declarations and statements of a Book a single indication of one of the verses of which has yielded before our eyes the fruits of numerous learned and cosmic truths in the Islamic sciences?" içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu
("Besides demonstrating with complete certainty at the beginning of thirty or forty suras that resurrection is the most important and necessary truth in the universe, it sets forth various persuasive evidences for that truth in others of its verses." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
("Is there any possibility that belief in the hereafter should be false, which emerges like the sun from the thousands of declarations and statements of a Book a single indication of one of the verses of which has yielded before our eyes the fruits of numerous learned and cosmic truths in the Islamic sciences?" içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
703. satır: 703. satır:
Besides demonstrating with complete certainty at the beginning of thirty or forty suras that  resurrection is the most important and necessary truth in the universe, it sets forth various persuasive evidences for that truth in others of its verses.
Besides demonstrating with complete certainty at the beginning of thirty or forty suras that  resurrection is the most important and necessary truth in the universe, it sets forth various persuasive evidences for that truth in others of its verses.

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Is there any possibility that belief in the hereafter should be false, which emerges like the sun from the thousands of declarations and statements of a Book a single indication of one of the verses of which has yielded before our eyes the fruits of numerous learned and cosmic truths in the Islamic sciences?
Acaba bir tek âyetin bir tek işareti, gözümüz önünde ulûm-u İslâmiyede müteaddid ilmî, kevnî hakikatleri meyve veren bir kitabın böyle şehadetleriyle ve davaları ile güneş gibi zuhur eden iman-ı haşrî hakikatsiz olması; güneşin inkârı belki kâinatın ademi gibi hiçbir cihet-i imkânı var mı ve yüz derece muhal ve bâtıl olmaz mı?

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