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"And since in the springtime on the narrow page of the earth, a pen of power writes a hundred thousand books without error tirelessly before our eyes; and since the Holder of the pen has promised a hundred thousand times: “I am going to write a fine, immortal book in a broad realm, easier than this book of the spring, which is written in this narrow realm, confused and intermingled, and I shall allow you to read it;” He mentions the book in all his d..." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu
("Since there is a pre-eternal and post-eternal God, most certainly there is the hereafter, the everlasting means of the sovereignty of His Godhead. And since there is in the universe and in living beings a most majestic, wise, and compassionate absolute dominicality, and it is apparent; there is certain to be an eternal realm of happiness which will save the majesty of that dominicality from abasement, its wisdom from purposelessness, and its compassion f..." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
("And since in the springtime on the narrow page of the earth, a pen of power writes a hundred thousand books without error tirelessly before our eyes; and since the Holder of the pen has promised a hundred thousand times: “I am going to write a fine, immortal book in a broad realm, easier than this book of the spring, which is written in this narrow realm, confused and intermingled, and I shall allow you to read it;” He mentions the book in all his d..." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
730. satır: 730. satır:

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And since the unlimited bestowals, bounties, favours, gifts, and instances of grace and mercy which are to be seen, show to minds that are not extinguished and hearts that are not dead that behind the veil of the Unseen is One All-Merciful and Compassionate; surely there is an immortal life in an eternal realm which will save  the bestowal from mockery, the bounties from deception, the favours from enmity, the mercy from torment, the grace and gifts from treachery, and will make the bounties bounty and the bestowal bestowal.
Hem madem göz ile görünen bu hadsiz in’amlar, ihsanlar, lütuflar, keremler, inayetler, rahmetler; perde-i gayb arkasında bir Zat-ı Rahman-ı Rahîm’in bulunduğunu sönmemiş akıllara, ölmemiş kalplere gösterir. Elbette in’amı istihzadan ve ihsanı aldatmaktan ve inayeti adâvetten ve rahmeti azaptan ve lütf u keremi ihanetten halâs eden ve ihsanı ihsan eden ve nimeti nimet eden bir âlem-i bâkide bir hayat-ı bâkiye var ve olacaktır.

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And since in the springtime on the narrow page of the earth, a pen of power writes a hundred thousand books without error tirelessly before our eyes; and since the Holder of the pen has promised a  hundred thousand times: “I am going to write a fine, immortal book in a broad realm, easier than this book of the spring, which is written in this narrow realm, confused and intermingled, and I shall allow you to read it;He mentions the book in all his decrees; certainly, the main part of the book has been  written,  and with the resurrection and Last Judgement its footnotes shall be added, and all the  notebooks of people’s actions shall be recorded in it.
Hem madem bahar faslında zeminin dar sahifesinde hatasız yüz bin kitabı birbiri içinde yazan bir kalem-i kudret gözümüz önünde yorulmadan işliyor. Ve o kalem sahibi yüz bin defa ahd ve vaad etmiş ki: “Bu dar yerde ve karışık ve birbiri içinde yazılan bahar kitabından daha kolay olarak geniş bir yerde güzel ve lâyemut bir kitabı yazacağım ve size okutturacağım.diye bütün fermanlarda o kitaptan bahsediyor. Elbette ve herhalde o kitabın aslı yazılmış ve haşir ve neşir ile hâşiyeleri de yazılacak ve umumun defter-i a’malleri onda kaydedilecek.

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