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"In just the same way, all the branches and twigs of the cosmic tree each have a past and a future. They have a chain consisting of past and future stages and circumstances. The multiple existences and stages of each species and each member of each species, existing in Divine knowledge, forms a chain of being in God’s knowledge, and both its external existence, and its existence in God’s knowledge, is a manifestation of universal life that draws a..." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu
("The original seed of a tree and its root, as well as the seeds contained in its fruit and final outcome, all manifest a sort of life, no less than the tree itself; indeed, they bear within themselves laws of life more subtle than those of the tree. Similarly, the seeds and roots left by last autumn, before the present spring, as well as the seeds and roots that will be left to subsequent springs after this spring has departed — they all b..." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
("In just the same way, all the branches and twigs of the cosmic tree each have a past and a future. They have a chain consisting of past and future stages and circumstances. The multiple existences and stages of each species and each member of each species, existing in Divine knowledge, forms a chain of being in God’s knowledge, and both its external existence, and its existence in God’s knowledge, is a manifestation of universal life that draws a..." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
830. satır: 830. satır:
The original seed of a tree and its root, as well as the seeds contained in its fruit and final outcome,  all manifest a sort of life, no less than the tree itself; indeed, they bear within themselves laws of life more subtle than those of the tree. Similarly, the seeds and roots left by last autumn, before the present spring, as well as the seeds and roots that will be  left  to  subsequent  springs  after  this  spring  has  departed  —  they  all  bear  the manifestations of life, just like this spring, and are subject to the laws of life.
The original seed of a tree and its root, as well as the seeds contained in its fruit and final outcome,  all manifest a sort of life, no less than the tree itself; indeed, they bear within themselves laws of life more subtle than those of the tree. Similarly, the seeds and roots left by last autumn, before the present spring, as well as the seeds and roots that will be  left  to  subsequent  springs  after  this  spring  has  departed  —  they  all  bear  the manifestations of life, just like this spring, and are subject to the laws of life.

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In just the same way, all the branches and twigs of the cosmic tree each have a past and a future. They have a chain consisting of past and future stages and circumstances. The multiple existences and  stages of each species and each member of each species,  existing in Divine knowledge, forms a  chain  of being in God’s knowledge, and both its external existence, and its existence in God’s knowledge, is a manifestation of universal life that draws all the  aspects of  its  life  from these  meaningful and  vital Tablets of Divine Determining.
Aynen öyle de şecere-i kâinatın bütün dal ve budaklarıyla her birinin bir mazisi ve müstakbeli var. Geçmiş ve gelecek tavırlardan ve vaziyetlerinden müteşekkil bir silsilesi bulunur. Her nevi ve her cüzünün ilm-i İlahiyede muhtelif tavırlar ile müteaddid vücudları, bir silsile-i vücud-u ilmî teşkil eder ve vücud-u haricî gibi vücud-u ilmî dahi hayat-ı umumiyenin manevî bir cilvesine mazhardır ki mukadderat-ı hayatiye o manidar ve canlı elvah-ı kaderiyeden alınır.

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