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"It is for these reasons that the title of Word of God has been given with complete worthiness to the Qur’an." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu
("The Qur’an says: “If all the trees on the land were to become pens and all the seas ink, and if they were to write the words of Almighty God, they would never come to the end of them.”" içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
("It is for these reasons that the title of Word of God has been given with complete worthiness to the Qur’an." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
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72. satır: 72. satır:
The Qur’an says: “If all the trees on the land were to become pens and all the seas ink, and if they were to write the words of Almighty God, they would never come to the end of them.”
The Qur’an says: “If all the trees on the land were to become pens and all the seas ink, and if they were to write the words of Almighty God, they would never come to the end of them.”

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Now, the reason the Qur’an has been given the highest rank among the infinite words of God is this: the Qur’an has come from the Greatest Divine Name and from the greatest level of every Name. It is God’s Word in respect of His being Sustainer of All the Worlds; it is His decree through His title of God of All Beings; an address in regard to His being Creator of the Heavens and the Earth; a conversation  in  regard to absolute dominicality; a pre-eternal address on account of universal Divine sovereignty; a note-book of the favours of the Most Merciful One from the point of view of His all- embracing, comprehensive mercy; a collection of communications at the beginnings of which are sometimes ciphers related to the sublime majesty of the Godhead; a wisdom- scattering holy scripture which, descending from the reaches of the Greatest Name, looks to and inspects the all-comprehensive domain of the  Supreme Throne.
Kur’an, ism-i a’zamdan ve her ismin a’zamlık mertebesinden gelmiş. Hem bütün âlemlerin Rabb’i itibarıyla Allah’ın kelâmıdır. Hem bütün mevcudatın ilahı unvanıyla Allah’ın fermanıdır. Hem semavat ve arzın Hâlık’ı haysiyetiyle bir hitaptır. Hem rububiyet-i mutlaka cihetinde bir mükâlemedir. Hem saltanat-ı âmme-i Sübhaniye hesabına bir hutbe-i ezeliyedir. Hem rahmet-i vâsia-i muhita noktasında, bir defter-i iltifatat-ı Rahmaniyedir. Hem uluhiyetin azamet-i haşmeti haysiyetiyle, başlarında bazen şifre bulunan bir muhabere mecmuasıdır. Hem ism-i a’zamın muhitinden nüzul ile arş-ı a’zamın bütün muhatına bakan, teftiş eden hikmet-feşan bir kitab-ı mukaddestir.

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It is for these reasons that the title of Word of God has been given with complete  worthiness to the Qur’an.
İşte bu sırdandır ki “kelâmullah” unvanı kemal-i liyakatle Kur’an’a verilmiş.

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