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On Üçüncü Söz/en: Revizyonlar arasındaki fark

"It is therefore most necessary in this century for all Muslim youths to act heroically, and to respond to this two-pronged attack with keen swords like the Fruits of Belief and the Guide For Youth from the Risale-i Nur. Otherwise those unfortunate youths will destroy utterly both their futures in this world, and their agreeable lives, and their happiness in the hereafter, and their eternal lives, and transform them into torment and suffering. A..." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu
("There are many other examples, many pitfalls for the unfortunate young because of which they transform their sweet lives into the most bitter and pitiable lives." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
("It is therefore most necessary in this century for all Muslim youths to act heroically, and to respond to this two-pronged attack with keen swords like the Fruits of Belief and the Guide For Youth from the Risale-i Nur. Otherwise those unfortunate youths will destroy utterly both their futures in this world, and their agreeable lives, and their happiness in the hereafter, and their eternal lives, and transform them into torment and suffering. A..." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
133. satır: 133. satır:
There are many other examples, many pitfalls for the unfortunate young because of which they transform their sweet lives into  the most bitter and pitiable lives.
There are many other examples, many pitfalls for the unfortunate young because of which they transform their sweet lives into  the most bitter and pitiable lives.

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Consider a vast state to the north;(*<ref>*Russia. [Tr.]</ref>) it has gained possession of the passions of its young people and is shaking this century with its storms. For it has made lawful for its youths the  pleasing daughters and wives of upright people, and these youths act only according to their feelings, which are blind to all consequences. By permitting men and women to go together to the public baths, they are even encouraging immorality. And they consider it lawful for vagabonds and the poor to plunder the property of the rich. All mankind trembles in the face of this calamity.
Ve bilhassa şimalde koca bir devlet, gençlik hevesatını elde ederek bu asrı fırtınalarıyla sarsıyor. Çünkü âkıbeti görmeyen kör hissiyatla hareket eden gençlere, ehl-i namusun güzel kızlarını ve karılarını ibahe eder. Belki hamamlarında erkek kadın beraber çıplak olarak girmelerine izin vermeleri cihetinde bu fuhşiyatı teşvik eder. Hem serseri ve fakir olanlara, zenginlerin mallarını helâl eder ki bütün beşer bu musibete karşı titriyor.

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It is therefore most necessary in this century for all Muslim youths to act heroically, and to respond to this two-pronged attack with keen swords like the Fruits of Belief and the Guide For Youth from the  Risale-i Nur. Otherwise those unfortunate youths will destroy utterly both their  futures  in this  world,  and  their  agreeable  lives,  and  their happiness in the hereafter, and their eternal lives, and transform them into torment and suffering. And through their abuses and dissoluteness, they will end up in hospitals, and through their excesses in life, in prisons. In their old age, they will weep copiously with a thousand regrets.
İşte bu asırda İslâm ve Türk gençleri, kahramanane davranıp iki cihetten hücum eden bu tehlikeye karşı Risale-i Nur’un Meyve ve Gençlik Rehberi gibi keskin kılınçlarıyla mukabele etmeleri elzemdir. Yoksa o bîçare genç, hem dünya istikbalini hem mesud hayatını hem âhiretteki saadetini ve hayat-ı bâkiyesini azaplara, elemlere çevirip mahveder ve sû-i istimal ve sefahetle hastahanelere ve hissiyatın taşkınlıklarıyla hapishanelere düşer. Eyvahlar, esefler ile ihtiyarlığında çok ağlayacak.

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