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On Üçüncü Söz/en: Revizyonlar arasındaki fark

"If the prisoner has been sentenced unjustly, on condition he performs the obligatory prayers, each hour will be the equivalent of a day’s worship, and the prison will be like a recluse’s cell. He will be counted among the pious hermits of olden times who retired to caves in order to devote themselves to worship." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu
("If such a youth demonstrates through moderation and obedience, his gratitude for the pleasing, delightful bounty of youth, it will both increase it, and make it eternal, and make it a pleasure. Otherwise it will be both calamitous, and become painful, grievous, and a nightmare, and then it will depart. It will cause him to become like a vagrant, harmful for both his relatives, and his country, and his nation." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
("If the prisoner has been sentenced unjustly, on condition he performs the obligatory prayers, each hour will be the equivalent of a day’s worship, and the prison will be like a recluse’s cell. He will be counted among the pious hermits of olden times who retired to caves in order to devote themselves to worship." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
143. satır: 143. satır:
If such a youth demonstrates through moderation and obedience, his gratitude for the pleasing,  delightful bounty of youth, it will both increase it, and make it eternal, and make it a pleasure. Otherwise it will be both calamitous, and become painful, grievous, and a nightmare, and then it will  depart. It will cause him to become like a vagrant, harmful for both his relatives, and his country, and his nation.
If such a youth demonstrates through moderation and obedience, his gratitude for the pleasing,  delightful bounty of youth, it will both increase it, and make it eternal, and make it a pleasure. Otherwise it will be both calamitous, and become painful, grievous, and a nightmare, and then it will  depart. It will cause him to become like a vagrant, harmful for both his relatives, and his country, and his nation.

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If the prisoner has been sentenced unjustly, on condition he performs the obligatory prayers, each hour will be the equivalent of a day’s worship, and the prison will be like a recluse’s cell. He will be counted among the pious hermits of olden times who retired to caves in order to devote themselves to worship.
Eğer mahpus, zulmen mahkûm olmuş ise farz namazını kılmak şartıyla her bir saati, bir gün ibadet olduğu gibi o hapis onun hakkında bir çilehane-i uzlet olup eski zamanda mağaralara girerek ibadet eden münzevi salihlerden sayılabilirler.

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