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On Dördüncü Söz/en: Revizyonlar arasındaki fark

"Indeed, such events occur at the command of One All-Wise and All-Compassionate, in order to transform the transient property of the believers into the equivalent of alms, and make it permanent. And they are atonement for their sins arising from ingratitude for bounties. Just as a day will come when this subjugated earth will see the works of man, which are the adornment of its face, to be tainted by the attributing of partners to God and not t..." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu
("And do not suppose yourself to be free and independent. For if you look at this guest-house of the world with the eye of wisdom, you will see that nothing at all is without order and without purpose. How can you remain outside the order and be without purpose?" içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
("Indeed, such events occur at the command of One All-Wise and All-Compassionate, in order to transform the transient property of the believers into the equivalent of alms, and make it permanent. And they are atonement for their sins arising from ingratitude for bounties. Just as a day will come when this subjugated earth will see the works of man, which are the adornment of its face, to be tainted by the attributing of partners to God and not t..." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
69. satır: 69. satır:
And do not suppose yourself to be free and independent. For if you look at  this guest-house of the world with the eye of wisdom, you will see that nothing at all is without order and without purpose. How can you remain outside the order and be without purpose?
And do not suppose yourself to be free and independent. For if you look at  this guest-house of the world with the eye of wisdom, you will see that nothing at all is without order and without purpose. How can you remain outside the order and be without purpose?

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Events in the world like earthquakes are not the playthings of chance. For example, you see that the extremely well-ordered and finely embroidered shirts, one over the other and one within the other, which are clothed on the earth from the species of animals and plants, are adorned and decked out from top to bottom with purposes and  instances of wisdom, and you know that the earth revolves and is turned like an ecstatic Mevlevi in perfect order within most exalted aims. How is it then, as an atheist  published,   they  suppose  the  death-tainted  events  of  the  earth,   like  the earthquake,(*<ref>*This was written in connection with the Izmir earthquake.</ref>) which resembles the earth’s shaking off itself the weight of certain forms of heedlessness of which it disapproves from mankind, and especially from the believers, to be without purpose and the result of chance? How is it that they show the grievous losses of all those stricken to be without recompense and to have gone for  nothing, and cast them into a fearsome despair? They are both making a great error and perpetrating a great wrong.
Zelzele gibi vakıalar olan şu hâdisat-ı kevniye, tesadüf oyuncağı değiller. Mesela, zemine nebatat ve hayvanat envaından giydirilen birbiri üstünde, birbiri içinde, gayet muntazam ve gayet münakkaş gömlekler; baştan aşağıya kadar gayelerle, hikmetlerle müzeyyen, mücehhez olduklarını gördüğün ve gayet âlî gayeler içinde kemal-i intizam ile meczup mevlevî gibi devredip döndürmesini bildiğin halde, nasıl oluyor ki küre-i arzın benî-Âdem’den, bâhusus ehl-i imandan beğenmediği bir kısım etvar-ı gafletin sıklet-i maneviyesinden omuz silkmeye benzeyen zelzele gibi '''(Hâşiye<ref>'''Hâşiye:''' İzmir’in zelzelesi münasebetiyle yazılmıştır.</ref>)'''mevt-âlûd hâdisat-ı hayatiyesini; bir mülhidin neşrettiği gibi gayesiz, tesadüfî zannederek bütün musibetzedelerin elîm zayiatını bedelsiz, hebaen mensur gösterip müthiş bir yeise atarlar. Hem büyük bir hata hem büyük bir zulmederler.

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Indeed,  such  events  occur  at  the  command  of  One  All-Wise  and  All-Compassionate, in order to transform the transient property of the believers into the equivalent of alms, and make it permanent. And they are atonement for their sins arising from ingratitude for bounties. Just as a day will come when this subjugated earth will see the works of man, which are the adornment of its face, to be tainted by the attributing of partners to God and not to be the cause of thanks, and it will  find them ugly. At the Creator’s  command, it  will wipe  them off  its  entire  face  and  cleanse  it. At  God’s command, it will pour those who attribute partners to God into Hell, and say to those who offer thanks, “Come and enter Paradise!”
Belki öyle hâdiseler, bir Hakîm-i Rahîm’in emriyle ehl-i imanın fâni malını, sadaka hükmüne çevirip ibka etmektir ve küfran-ı nimetten gelen günahlara keffarettir. Nasıl ki bir gün gelecek, şu musahhar zemin, yüzünün ziyneti olan âsâr-ı beşeriyeyi şirk-âlûd, şükürsüz görüp çirkin bulur. Hâlık’ın emriyle büyük bir zelzele ile bütün yüzünü siler, temizler. Allah’ın emriyle ehl-i şirki cehenneme döker. Ehl-i şükre “Haydi, cennete buyurun!” der.