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On Dördüncü Söz/en: Revizyonlar arasındaki fark

"'''Third Question:''' What is the reason for this disaster, which arises from the wrongdoing of a few individuals, occurring to a degree generally throughout the country?" içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu
("'''The Answer:''' Just as the requital for big mistakes and crimes is postponed and made in big centres, and the requital for small crimes is made quickly in small centres, as a consequence of an important instance of wisdom, the recompense of the greater part of the unbelievers’ crimes is postponed to the Last Judgement, while the punishment for the believers’ faults is in part given in this world.(*<ref>*Furthermore, in abandoning an abrogated and..." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
Etiketler: Mobil değişiklik Mobil ağ değişikliği
("'''Third Question:''' What is the reason for this disaster, which arises from the wrongdoing of a few individuals, occurring to a degree generally throughout the country?" içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
93. satır: 93. satır:
'''The Answer:''' Just as the requital for big mistakes and crimes is postponed and made in big centres, and the requital for small crimes is made quickly in small centres, as a consequence of an important instance of wisdom, the recompense of the greater part of the unbelievers’ crimes is postponed to the Last Judgement, while the punishment for the believers’ faults is in part given in this world.(*<ref>*Furthermore, in abandoning an abrogated and corrupted religion, people like the Russians do not incur Divine wrath to the extent of those who betray a true and eternal religion which may not be abrogated. Thus, the earth leaves them at present, and displays its anger towards those here.</ref>)
'''The Answer:''' Just as the requital for big mistakes and crimes is postponed and made in big centres, and the requital for small crimes is made quickly in small centres, as a consequence of an important instance of wisdom, the recompense of the greater part of the unbelievers’ crimes is postponed to the Last Judgement, while the punishment for the believers’ faults is in part given in this world.(*<ref>*Furthermore, in abandoning an abrogated and corrupted religion, people like the Russians do not incur Divine wrath to the extent of those who betray a true and eternal religion which may not be abrogated. Thus, the earth leaves them at present, and displays its anger towards those here.</ref>)

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'''Third  Question:''' What  is  the  reason  for  this  disaster, which  arises  from  the wrongdoing of a few individuals, occurring to a degree generally throughout the country?
'''Üçüncü Sual:''' Bazı eşhasın hatasından gelen bu musibet, bir derece memlekette umumî şekle girmesinin sebebi nedir?

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