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On Yedinci Söz/en: Revizyonlar arasındaki fark

"(*) Belief shows the tree’s fruit to be not the corpse, but the worn out home of my spirit, which will manifest eternal life and is destined for everlasting happiness, from which it has departed in order to travel among the stars." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu
("Thus, I could find no cure from this aspect either, so I raised my head and looked at the top of the tree of my life. But I saw that its single fruit was my corpse; it was looking down on me from the tree-top.(*)" içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
Etiketler: Mobil değişiklik Mobil ağ değişikliği
("(*) Belief shows the tree’s fruit to be not the corpse, but the worn out home of my spirit, which will manifest eternal life and is destined for everlasting happiness, from which it has departed in order to travel among the stars." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
200. satır: 200. satır:
Thus, I could find no cure from this aspect either, so I raised my head and looked at the top of the tree of my life. But I saw that its single fruit was my corpse; it was looking down on me from the tree-top.(*)
Thus, I could find no cure from this aspect either, so I raised my head and looked at the top of the tree of my life. But I saw that its single fruit was my corpse; it was looking down on me from the tree-top.(*)

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(*) Belief shows the tree’s fruit to be not the corpse, but the worn out home of my spirit, which will manifest eternal life and is destined for everlasting happiness, from which it has departed in order to travel among the stars.
Hâşiye: İman, o ağacın meyvesini cenaze değil belki ebedî hayata mazhar ve ebedî saadete namzet olan ruhumun eskimiş yuvasından yıldızlarda gezmek için çıktığını gösterir.

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208. satır: 206. satır:

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Despairing of that aspect too, I lowered my head. I looked and saw that the dust of my bones underfoot had mixed with the dust of my first creation. It afforded no cure, but added further pain to my ills.(*)
O cihetten dahi meyus olup başımı aşağıya eğdim. Baktım ki aşağıda ayak altında kemiklerimin toprağı ile mebde-i hilkatimin toprağı birbirine karışmış gördüm. Derman değil, derdime dert kattı.

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(*) Belief shows the dust to be the door leading to mercy and a curtain before the halls of Paradise.
Hâşiye: İman, o toprağı rahmet kapısı ve cennet salonunun perdesi olduğunu gösterir.

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