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Yirminci Söz/en: Revizyonlar arasındaki fark

"While reading the above verse, the Whisperer said: “What meaning is there in discussing and explaining as though they were the most important and significant of matters, certain natural states of rocks which are commonplace and everyone knows about? How is it fitting, and what need is there?”" içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu
("And yet, after all this your hearts hardened and became like rocks, or even harder: for, behold, there are rocks from which streams gush forth; and, behold, there are some from which, when they are cleft, water issues; and there are some that fall down for awe of God. And God is not unmindful of what you do.(*<ref>*Qur’an, 2:74.</ref>)" içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
("While reading the above verse, the Whisperer said: “What meaning is there in discussing and explaining as though they were the most important and significant of matters, certain natural states of rocks which are commonplace and everyone knows about? How is it fitting, and what need is there?”" içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
42. satır: 42. satır:
And yet, after all this your hearts hardened and became like rocks, or even harder: for, behold, there are rocks from which streams gush forth; and, behold, there are some from which,  when they are cleft, water issues; and there are some that fall down for awe of God. And God is not unmindful of what you do.(*<ref>*Qur’an, 2:74.</ref>)
And yet, after all this your hearts hardened and became like rocks, or even harder: for, behold, there are rocks from which streams gush forth; and, behold, there are some from which,  when they are cleft, water issues; and there are some that fall down for awe of God. And God is not unmindful of what you do.(*<ref>*Qur’an, 2:74.</ref>)

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While reading the  above  verse, the  Whisperer  said: “What  meaning  is there  in discussing and  explaining as though they were the most important and significant of matters, certain natural states of  rocks which are commonplace and everyone knows about? How is it fitting, and what need is there?”
Şu âyeti okurken müvesvis dedi ki: “Herkese malûm ve âdi olan taşların şu fıtrî bazı hâlât-ı tabiiyesini, en mühim ve büyük meseleler suretinde bahis ve beyanda ne mana var, ne münasebet var, ne ihtiyaç var?”

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