İçeriğe atla

Yirminci Söz/en: Revizyonlar arasındaki fark

"Yes, it is fitting and there is need for it. And it is so fitting and there is a meaning so significant and truth so enormous and necessary that only through the Qur’an’s miraculous conciseness and guiding grace has it been simplified to a degree, and summarized." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu
("In the face of this suggestion, the following point was imparted to me from the effulgence of the Qur’an:" içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
("Yes, it is fitting and there is need for it. And it is so fitting and there is a meaning so significant and truth so enormous and necessary that only through the Qur’an’s miraculous conciseness and guiding grace has it been simplified to a degree, and summarized." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
46. satır: 46. satır:
In the face of this suggestion, the following point was imparted to me from the effulgence of the Qur’an:
In the face of this suggestion, the following point was imparted to me from the effulgence of the Qur’an:

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Yes, it is fitting and there is need for it. And it is so fitting and there is a meaning so significant  and  truth  so  enormous  and  necessary  that  only  through  the  Qur’an’s miraculous  conciseness  and  guiding  grace  has  it  been  simplified  to  a  degree,  and summarized.
Evet, münasebet var ve ihtiyaç var. Hem o derece büyük bir münasebet ve ehemmiyetli bir mana ve o derece muazzam ve lüzumlu bir hakikat var ki ancak Kur’an’ın îcaz-ı mu’cizi ve lütf-u irşadıyla bir derece basitleştirilmiş ve ihtisar edilmiş.

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