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Yirminci Söz/en: Revizyonlar arasındaki fark

"See how like wax those hard, unfeeling mighty rocks display a softness towards the creational commands, and how they offer no resistance or hardness to the delicate waters, the fine roots, and silken veins, which are Divine officials. As though like a lover, the rock’s heart melts at the touch of those delicate, beautiful things, and becomes earth in their path." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu
("O Children of Israel and Sons of Adam! What has happened to you that your hearts have become harder and more lifeless than stone? For do you not see that those extremely hard, lifeless, huge rocks formed in vast strata under the earth are so obedient and subjugated before the Divine commands and so soft and tractable under the dominical works that to whatever degree the Divine disposals occur without resistance in the formation of trees in the..." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
("See how like wax those hard, unfeeling mighty rocks display a softness towards the creational commands, and how they offer no resistance or hardness to the delicate waters, the fine roots, and silken veins, which are Divine officials. As though like a lover, the rock’s heart melts at the touch of those delicate, beautiful things, and becomes earth in their path." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
53. satır: 53. satır:
O Children of Israel and Sons of Adam! What has happened to you that your hearts have become harder and more lifeless than stone? For do you not see that those extremely hard,  lifeless,  huge rocks formed in vast strata under the earth are so obedient and subjugated before  the Divine commands and so soft and tractable under the dominical works that to  whatever degree  the  Divine  disposals occur without  resistance  in the formation of  trees  in the air, orderly water channels and veins, like the circulation of blood in veins, occur with the same ease and order and with perfect wisdom in those hard, deaf rocks under the earth.(*<ref>*Yes, it is only fitting that the Qur’an  should explain  the three important duties of the rock strata, the foundation stone of the majestic travelling palace known as the earth, which are entrusted to it by the All- Glorious Creator. Their First Duty: Just as earth acts as a mother to plants and raises them through dominical power, so through Divine power, the rocks act as a nurse to the earth and raise it. Their Second Duty: They serve the orderly circulation of waters in the body of the earth, like the circulation of the blood. Their Third Duty: This is to act as treasurer to the rising and continuous flow with regular balance of the springs and rivers, sources and streams. Indeed, the evidences of Divine unity which the rocks make flow with all their strength in mouthfuls in the form of the water of life, they write and sprinkle over the face of the earth.</ref>) And like the way the branches of trees and plants spread in the air with ease  encountering no obstacles, the delicate veins of roots spread with the same ease in the rocks under the earth. The Qur’an indicates this and teaches an extensive truth with the verse, and thus by allusion says the following to the hard-hearted:
O Children of Israel and Sons of Adam! What has happened to you that your hearts have become harder and more lifeless than stone? For do you not see that those extremely hard,  lifeless,  huge rocks formed in vast strata under the earth are so obedient and subjugated before  the Divine commands and so soft and tractable under the dominical works that to  whatever degree  the  Divine  disposals occur without  resistance  in the formation of  trees  in the air, orderly water channels and veins, like the circulation of blood in veins, occur with the same ease and order and with perfect wisdom in those hard, deaf rocks under the earth.(*<ref>*Yes, it is only fitting that the Qur’an  should explain  the three important duties of the rock strata, the foundation stone of the majestic travelling palace known as the earth, which are entrusted to it by the All- Glorious Creator. Their First Duty: Just as earth acts as a mother to plants and raises them through dominical power, so through Divine power, the rocks act as a nurse to the earth and raise it. Their Second Duty: They serve the orderly circulation of waters in the body of the earth, like the circulation of the blood. Their Third Duty: This is to act as treasurer to the rising and continuous flow with regular balance of the springs and rivers, sources and streams. Indeed, the evidences of Divine unity which the rocks make flow with all their strength in mouthfuls in the form of the water of life, they write and sprinkle over the face of the earth.</ref>) And like the way the branches of trees and plants spread in the air with ease  encountering no obstacles, the delicate veins of roots spread with the same ease in the rocks under the earth. The Qur’an indicates this and teaches an extensive truth with the verse, and thus by allusion says the following to the hard-hearted:

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O Children of Israel and Sons of Adam! What sort of heart do you bear within your weakness and impotence so that with its hardness it resists the command of such a One? Whereas how perfectly and  obediently the huge strata of hard rocks carry out their delicate duties in the darkness before His  commands. They display no disobedience. Indeed, those rocks act as treasurers for the water of life and other means of life of all the living creatures above the earth, and are the means for their division and  distribution. They do this with such wisdom and justice that they are soft like wax or air in the hand of power of the All-Wise One of Glory; offering no resistance, they prostrate before His mighty  power.
Ey Benî-İsrail ve ey benî-Âdem! Zaaf ve acziniz içinde nasıl bir kalp taşıyorsunuz ki öyle bir zatın evamirine karşı o kalp kasavetle mukavemet ediyor. Halbuki o koca sert taşların tabaka-i muazzaması, o zatın evamiri önünde kemal-i inkıyadla karanlıkta nazik vazifelerini mükemmel îfa ediyorlar. İtaatsizlik göstermiyorlar. Belki o taşlar, toprak üstünde bulunan bütün zevi’l-hayata, âb-ı hayatla beraber sair medar-ı hayatlarına öyle bir hazinedarlık ediyor ve öyle bir adaletle taksimata vesiledir ve öyle bir hikmetle tevziata vasıta oluyor ki Hakîm-i Zülcelal’in dest-i kudretinde, bal mumu gibi ve belki hava gibi yumuşaktır, mukavemetsizdir ve azamet-i kudretine karşı secdededir.

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For  just  like  well-ordered  creatures  and  wise  and  gracious  Divine disposals occur on top of the earth, which we observe, the same occur beneath it. Indeed, Divine wisdom and favour are manifest there  in a more wondrous and strange way in regard to wisdom and order.
Zira toprak üstünde müşahede ettiğimiz şu masnuat-ı muntazama ve şu hikmetli ve inayetli tasarrufat-ı İlahiye misillü, zemin altında aynen cereyan ediyor. Belki hikmeten daha acib ve intizamca daha garib bir surette hikmet ve inayet-i İlahiye tecelli ediyor.

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See how like wax those hard, unfeeling mighty rocks display a softness towards the creational commands, and how they offer no resistance or hardness to the delicate waters, the fine roots, and silken veins, which are Divine officials. As though like a lover, the rock’s heart melts at the touch of those delicate, beautiful things, and becomes earth in their path.
Bakınız! En sert ve hissiz o koca taşlar, nasıl bal mumu gibi evamir-i tekviniyeye karşı yumuşaklık gösteriyorlar ve memur-u İlahî olan o latîf sulara, o nazik köklere, o ipek gibi damarlara o derece mukavemetsiz ve kasavetsizdir. Güya bir âşık gibi o latîf ve güzellerin temasıyla kalbini parçalıyor, yollarında toprak oluyor.

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