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Yirminci Söz/en: Revizyonlar arasındaki fark

"By alluding through this sentence to the rock which split with perfect eagerness under the Staff of Moses (Peace be upon him) and poured forth twelve streams from twelve sources, it imparts the following meaning:" içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu
("And, behold, there are some from which, when they are cleft, water issues;" içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
("By alluding through this sentence to the rock which split with perfect eagerness under the Staff of Moses (Peace be upon him) and poured forth twelve streams from twelve sources, it imparts the following meaning:" içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
71. satır: 71. satır:
And, behold, there are some from which, when they are cleft, water issues;
And, behold, there are some from which, when they are cleft, water issues;

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By alluding through this sentence to the rock which split with perfect eagerness under the Staff of Moses  (Peace  be upon him)  and poured  forth twelve streams from twelve sources, it imparts the following meaning:
Şu fıkra ile Hazret-i Musa aleyhisselâmın asâsına karşı kemal-i şevk ile inşikak edip on iki gözünden on iki çeşme akıtan taşa işaret etmekle, şöyle bir manayı ifham ediyor ve manen diyor:

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