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Yirminci Söz/en: Revizyonlar arasındaki fark

"O Children of Israel! Great rocks become soft and crumble before a single miracle of Moses (PUH). They shed tears in floods, pouring forth out of either awe or joy. How is it you are so unfair you are obstinate in the face of all Moses’ miracles, and not weeping, your eyes are lifeless and your hearts, hard?" içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu
("By alluding through this sentence to the rock which split with perfect eagerness under the Staff of Moses (Peace be upon him) and poured forth twelve streams from twelve sources, it imparts the following meaning:" içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
("O Children of Israel! Great rocks become soft and crumble before a single miracle of Moses (PUH). They shed tears in floods, pouring forth out of either awe or joy. How is it you are so unfair you are obstinate in the face of all Moses’ miracles, and not weeping, your eyes are lifeless and your hearts, hard?" içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
81. satır: 81. satır:
By alluding through this sentence to the rock which split with perfect eagerness under the Staff of Moses  (Peace  be upon him)  and poured  forth twelve streams from twelve sources, it imparts the following meaning:
By alluding through this sentence to the rock which split with perfect eagerness under the Staff of Moses  (Peace  be upon him)  and poured  forth twelve streams from twelve sources, it imparts the following meaning:

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O Children of Israel! Great rocks become soft and crumble before a single miracle of Moses (PUH). They shed tears in floods, pouring forth out of either awe or joy. How is it you are so unfair you are obstinate in the face of all Moses’ miracles, and not weeping, your eyes are lifeless and your hearts, hard?
Ey kavm-i Musa (as)! Nasıl Allah’tan korkmuyorsunuz? Halbuki taşlardan ibaret olan dağlar, onun haşyetinden ezilip dağılıyor ve sizden ahz-ı misak için üstünüzde Cebel-i Tûr’u tuttuğunu hem “taleb-i rü’yet” hâdisesinde dağın parçalanmasını bilip ve gördüğünüz halde, ne cesaretle onun haşyetinden titremeyip kalbinizi katılık ve kasavette bulunduruyorsunuz?

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