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Yirminci Söz/en: Revizyonlar arasındaki fark

"Yes, in mentioning the Prophets’ miracles, it is tracing the final limit of man’s science and industry. It is pointing the finger at his furthest aims. It is specifying his final goals. And by striking the hand of encouragement on man’s back, it is urging him forward towards them. Just as the past is the store of the seeds of the future and mirror to its attributes, so the future is the arable field of the past and the mirror to its states." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu
("Thus, what first gave man the gift of the ship, which was a miracle of Noah (Peace be upon him), and the clock, a miracle of Joseph (Peace be upon him), was the hand of miracles. It is a subtle indication to this truth that most craftsmen have a Prophet as the patron of their craft. For example, seamen have Noah (PUH), watchmakers have Joseph (PUH), tailors have Idris (PUH), and so on." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
("Yes, in mentioning the Prophets’ miracles, it is tracing the final limit of man’s science and industry. It is pointing the finger at his furthest aims. It is specifying his final goals. And by striking the hand of encouragement on man’s back, it is urging him forward towards them. Just as the past is the store of the seeds of the future and mirror to its attributes, so the future is the arable field of the past and the mirror to its states." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
144. satır: 144. satır:
Thus, what first gave man the gift of the ship, which was a miracle of Noah (Peace be upon him), and the clock, a miracle of Joseph (Peace be upon him), was the hand of miracles. It is a subtle indication to this truth that most craftsmen have a Prophet as the patron of their craft. For example, seamen have Noah (PUH), watchmakers have Joseph (PUH), tailors have Idris (PUH), and so on.
Thus, what first gave man the gift of the ship, which was a miracle of Noah (Peace be upon him), and the clock, a miracle of Joseph (Peace be upon him), was the hand of miracles. It is a subtle indication to this truth that most craftsmen have a Prophet as the patron of their craft. For example, seamen have Noah (PUH), watchmakers have Joseph (PUH), tailors have Idris (PUH), and so on.

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Indeed, investigative scholars and the science of rhetoric are in agreement that all the Qur’an’s verses contain numerous aspects of guidance and instruction. The verses of the miracles of the Prophets, which  are the  most  brilliant  of the  Qur’an of Miraculous Exposition’s verses, are not therefore mere  historical stories, but comprise numerous meanings and sorts of guidance.
Evet, madem Kur’an’ın her bir âyeti, çok vücuh-u irşadî ve müteaddid cihat-ı hidayeti olduğunu ehl-i tahkik ve ilm-i belâgat ittifak etmişler. Öyle ise Kur’an-ı Mu’cizü’l-Beyan’ın en parlak âyetleri olan mu’cizat-ı enbiya âyetleri, birer hikâye-i tarihiye olarak değil belki onlar çok maânî-i irşadiyeyi tazammun ediyorlar.

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Yes, in mentioning the Prophets’ miracles, it is tracing the final limit of man’s science and industry. It is pointing the finger at his furthest aims. It is specifying his final goals. And by striking the hand of encouragement on man’s back, it is urging him forward towards them. Just as the past is the store of the seeds of the future and mirror to its attributes, so the future is the arable field of the past and the mirror to its states.
Evet, mu’cizat-ı enbiyayı zikretmesiyle fen ve sanat-ı beşeriyenin nihayet hududunu çiziyor. En ileri gayatına parmak basıyor. En nihayet hedeflerini tayin ediyor. Beşerin arkasına dest-i teşviki vurup o gayeye sevk ediyor. Zaman-ı mazi, zaman-ı müstakbel tohumlarının mahzeni ve şuunatının âyinesi olduğu gibi müstakbel dahi mazinin tarlası ve ahvalinin âyinesidir.

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Now we  shall explain only a few samples of that most extensive source as examples:
Şimdi misal olarak o çok vâsi menbadan yalnız birkaç numunelerini beyan edeceğiz:

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