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Yirminci Söz/en: Revizyonlar arasındaki fark

"Also, since the Qur’an of Miraculous Exposition repeatedly puts forward its eloquence and beauty of expression, by allusion it says: “At the end of time, eloquence and beauty of expression, the most brilliant of the sciences and branches of knowledge, will be most sought after in all their varieties. Even, in order to make one another accept their ideas and carry out their word, men will find their most effective weapon in eloqu..." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu
("In stating this, it hints: “At the end of time, mankind will spill into science and learning. It will obtain all its strength from science. Power and rule will pass to the hand of science.”" içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
("Also, since the Qur’an of Miraculous Exposition repeatedly puts forward its eloquence and beauty of expression, by allusion it says: “At the end of time, eloquence and beauty of expression, the most brilliant of the sciences and branches of knowledge, will be most sought after in all their varieties. Even, in order to make one another accept their ideas and carry out their word, men will find their most effective weapon in eloqu..." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
278. satır: 278. satır:
In stating this, it hints: “At the end of time, mankind will spill into science and learning. It will obtain all its strength from science. Power and rule will pass to the hand of science.”
In stating this, it hints: “At the end of time, mankind will spill into science and learning. It will obtain all its strength from science. Power and rule will pass to the hand of science.”

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Also, since  the  Qur’an  of  Miraculous  Exposition  repeatedly  puts  forward  its eloquence and beauty of expression, by allusion it says: “At the end of time, eloquence and beauty of expression, the most brilliant of the sciences and branches of knowledge, will be most sought after in all their varieties. Even, in order to make one another accept their  ideas  and  carry out  their  word,  men will  find  their  most  effective  weapon  in eloquent expression, and their most irresistible force in fine oratory.”
Hem o Kur’an-ı Mu’cizü’l-Beyan, cezalet ve belâgat-ı Kur’aniyeyi mükerreren ileri sürdüğünden remzen anlattırıyor ki: “Ulûm ve fünunun en parlağı olan belâgat ve cezalet, bütün envaıyla âhir zamanda en mergub bir suret alacaktır. Hattâ insanlar, kendi fikirlerini birbirlerine kabul ettirmek ve hükümlerini birbirine icra ettirmek için en keskin silahını cezalet-i beyandan ve en mukavemetsûz kuvvetini belâgat-ı edadan alacaktır.”

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