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Yirminci Söz/en: Revizyonlar arasındaki fark

"'''Conclusion:'''Since together with alluding to the wonders of present-day human progress, all the verses about the Prophets are also in a style which as though infers and traces their limits in the future; and since it is certain that all the verses point to numerous meanings, indeed, it is unanimously agreed upon, and since there are categorical commands to follow and obey the Prophets, then together with the explicit meanings of the above verses, it..." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu
("If you wish, you may reach up to the skies of the Qur’an and the stars of its verses by making the previous twenty Words a stairway of twenty steps.(*<ref>*Indeed, the thirty-three Words, thirty-three Letters, thirty-one Flashes, and thirteen Rays form a stairway of one hundred and twenty steps.</ref>) Through them you will see what a brilliant sun is the Qur’an! See how it sprinkles a pure light over the Divine truths and the truths of the contingen..." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
("'''Conclusion:'''Since together with alluding to the wonders of present-day human progress, all the verses about the Prophets are also in a style which as though infers and traces their limits in the future; and since it is certain that all the verses point to numerous meanings, indeed, it is unanimously agreed upon, and since there are categorical commands to follow and obey the Prophets, then together with the explicit meanings of the above verses, it..." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
284. satır: 284. satır:
If you wish, you may reach up to the skies of the Qur’an and the stars of its verses by making the previous twenty Words a stairway of twenty steps.(*<ref>*Indeed, the thirty-three Words, thirty-three Letters, thirty-one Flashes, and thirteen Rays form a stairway of one hundred and twenty steps.</ref>) Through them you will see what a brilliant sun is the Qur’an! See how it sprinkles a pure light over the Divine truths and the truths of the contingent realm! See what a brilliant effulgence it spreads!
If you wish, you may reach up to the skies of the Qur’an and the stars of its verses by making the previous twenty Words a stairway of twenty steps.(*<ref>*Indeed, the thirty-three Words, thirty-three Letters, thirty-one Flashes, and thirteen Rays form a stairway of one hundred and twenty steps.</ref>) Through them you will see what a brilliant sun is the Qur’an! See how it sprinkles a pure light over the Divine truths and the truths of the contingent realm! See what a brilliant effulgence it spreads!

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'''Conclusion:'''Since together with alluding to the wonders of present-day human progress, all the verses about the Prophets are also in a style which as though infers and traces their limits in the future; and since it is certain that all the verses point to numerous meanings, indeed, it is unanimously agreed upon, and since there are categorical commands to follow and obey the Prophets, then together  with the explicit meanings of the above verses, it may be said that they indicate in allusive fashion the  important of man’s arts and sciences, and urge  him towards them.
'''Netice:''' Madem enbiyaya dair olan âyetler, şimdiki terakkiyat-ı beşeriyenin hârikalarına birer nevi işaretle beraber, daha ilerideki hududunu çiziyor gibi bir tarz-ı ifadesi var ve madem her bir âyetin müteaddid manalara delâleti muhakkaktır, belki müttefekun aleyhtir ve madem enbiyaya ittiba etmek ve iktida etmeye dair evamir-i mutlaka var. Öyle ise şu geçmiş âyetlerin maânî-i sarîhalarına delâletle beraber, sanat ve fünun-u beşeriyenin mühimlerine işarî bir tarzda delâlet hem teşvik ediliyor, denilebilir.

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