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Yirmi İkinci Söz/en: Revizyonlar arasındaki fark

"They conform to a rule of mutual assistance which is in force from the sun and moon, night and day, and winter and summer, to plants coming to the assistance of hungry and needy animals, and animals hastening to the assistance of weak, noble men, and even nutritious substances flying to assist delicate, weak infants and fruits, and particles of food passing to the assistance of the cells of the body. They show to anyone who is not altogether blind that..." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu
("Look! With little difficulty you can see the seals of the Single, Eternally Besought One on the page of the earth, so raise your head, open your eyes, and look too at the great book of the universe. You will see that on it as a whole a stamp of unity is read out which is as clear as it is big. For like the components of a factory or members of a palace or town, these beings support one another, stretch out their hands to assist one another, and answer t..." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
Etiketler: Mobil değişiklik Mobil ağ değişikliği
("They conform to a rule of mutual assistance which is in force from the sun and moon, night and day, and winter and summer, to plants coming to the assistance of hungry and needy animals, and animals hastening to the assistance of weak, noble men, and even nutritious substances flying to assist delicate, weak infants and fruits, and particles of food passing to the assistance of the cells of the body. They show to anyone who is not altogether blind that..." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
341. satır: 341. satır:
Look! With little difficulty you can see the seals of the Single, Eternally Besought One on the page of the earth, so raise your head, open your eyes, and look too at the great book of the universe. You will see that on it as a whole a stamp of unity is read out which is as clear as it is big. For like the components of a  factory or members of a palace or town, these beings support one another, stretch out their hands to assist one another, and answer the needs and requests of one another, saying: “Here I am, at your  service!” Assisting one another, they work together in order. Joining efforts, they serve animate beings.  Co-operating and turned a single goal, they obey an All-Wise Disposer.
Look! With little difficulty you can see the seals of the Single, Eternally Besought One on the page of the earth, so raise your head, open your eyes, and look too at the great book of the universe. You will see that on it as a whole a stamp of unity is read out which is as clear as it is big. For like the components of a  factory or members of a palace or town, these beings support one another, stretch out their hands to assist one another, and answer the needs and requests of one another, saying: “Here I am, at your  service!” Assisting one another, they work together in order. Joining efforts, they serve animate beings.  Co-operating and turned a single goal, they obey an All-Wise Disposer.

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They conform to a rule of mutual assistance which is in force from the sun and moon, night and day, and winter and summer, to  plants coming to the assistance of hungry and needy animals, and animals hastening to the assistance of weak, noble men, and even nutritious substances flying to assist delicate, weak infants and fruits, and particles of food passing to the assistance of the cells of the body. They show to anyone who is not altogether blind that they are acting through the strength of a single, most generous Nurturer, and at the command of a single most wise Disposer.
Evet, güneş ve aydan, gece ve gündüzden, kış ve yazdan tut, tâ nebatatın muhtaç ve aç hayvanların imdadına gelmelerinde ve hayvanların zayıf, şerif insanların imdadına koşmalarında, hattâ mevadd-ı gıdaiyenin latîf, nahif yavruların ve meyvelerin imdadına uçmalarında, tâ zerrat-ı taamiyenin hüceyrat-ı beden imdadına geçmelerinde cari olan bir düstur-u teavünle hareketleri, bütün bütün kör olmayana gösteriyorlar ki gayet kerîm bir tek Mürebbi’nin kuvvetiyle, gayet hakîm bir tek Müdebbir’in emriyle hareket ediyorlar.

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