İçeriğe atla

Yirmi İkinci Söz/en: Revizyonlar arasındaki fark

"And the other, like the tongue of the World of the Unseen, indicating with the fingers of right and guidance under the confirmation of all the creational signs in the universe within forty aspects of miraculousness, demonstrates the same truth with all seriousness. Is that truth then not clearer than the sun and more brilliant than sunlight?" içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu
("One, the tongue of the Manifest World, pointing with the fingers of Islam and Messengership and confirmed by all the prophets and purified ones supported by a thousand miracles, demonstrated this truth with all his strength." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
Etiketler: Mobil değişiklik Mobil ağ değişikliği
("And the other, like the tongue of the World of the Unseen, indicating with the fingers of right and guidance under the confirmation of all the creational signs in the universe within forty aspects of miraculousness, demonstrates the same truth with all seriousness. Is that truth then not clearer than the sun and more brilliant than sunlight?" içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
423. satır: 423. satır:
One, the tongue of the Manifest World, pointing with the fingers of Islam and Messengership and confirmed by all the prophets and purified ones supported by a thousand miracles, demonstrated this truth with all his strength.
One, the tongue of the Manifest World, pointing with the fingers of Islam and Messengership and confirmed by all the prophets and purified ones supported by a thousand miracles, demonstrated this truth with all his strength.

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And the other, like the tongue of the World of the Unseen, indicating with the fingers of right and guidance under the confirmation of all the creational signs in the universe within forty aspects of miraculousness, demonstrates the same truth with all seriousness. Is that truth then not clearer than the sun and more brilliant than sunlight?
'''Diğeri;''' âlem-i gaybın lisanı hükmünde, kırk vücuh-u i’caz içinde, kâinatın bütün âyât-ı tekviniyesinin taht-ı tasdiklerinde, hakkaniyet ve hidayet parmaklarıyla işaret edip bütün ciddiyetle gösterdiği aynı hakikati… Acaba o hakikat, güneşten daha bâhir, gündüzden daha zâhir olmaz mı?

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