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Yirmi Üçüncü Söz/en: Revizyonlar arasındaki fark

"If the light of belief enters his being, all the meaningful inscriptions on him may be read. As one who believes, he reads them consciously, and through that relation, causes others to read them. That is to say, the dominical art in man becomes apparent through meanings like, “I am the creature and artefact of the All-Glorious Maker. I manifest His mercy and munificence.” That is, belief, which consists of being connected to the Ma..." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu
("Thus, man is such an antique work of art of Almighty God. He is a most subtle and graceful miracle of His power whom He created to manifest all his Names and their inscriptions, in the form of a miniature specimen of the universe." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
Etiketler: Mobil değişiklik Mobil ağ değişikliği
("If the light of belief enters his being, all the meaningful inscriptions on him may be read. As one who believes, he reads them consciously, and through that relation, causes others to read them. That is to say, the dominical art in man becomes apparent through meanings like, “I am the creature and artefact of the All-Glorious Maker. I manifest His mercy and munificence.” That is, belief, which consists of being connected to the Ma..." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
Etiketler: Mobil değişiklik Mobil ağ değişikliği
21. satır: 21. satır:
Thus, man is such an antique work of art of Almighty God. He is a most subtle and graceful miracle  of His power whom He created to manifest all his Names and their inscriptions, in the form of a  miniature specimen of the universe.
Thus, man is such an antique work of art of Almighty God. He is a most subtle and graceful miracle  of His power whom He created to manifest all his Names and their inscriptions, in the form of a  miniature specimen of the universe.

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If the light of belief enters  his  being, all the  meaningful  inscriptions on him may be  read. As one  who believes, he reads them consciously, and through that relation, causes others to read them. That is to say, the dominical art in man becomes apparent through meanings like, “I am the  creature  and  artefact  of  the  All-Glorious  Maker.  I  manifest  His  mercy  and munificence.” That is, belief, which consists of being connected to the Maker, makes apparent all the works of art in man. Man’s value is in accordance with that dominical art and  by  virtue  of  being  a  mirror  to  the  Eternally  Besought  One. In  this  respect insignificant  man becomes God’s addressee  and a guest  of the Sustainer worthy of Paradise superior to all other creatures.
Eğer nur-u iman, içine girse üstündeki bütün manidar nakışlar, o ışıkla okunur. O mü’min, şuur ile okur ve o intisapla okutur. Yani “Sâni’-i Zülcelal’in masnuuyum, mahlukuyum, rahmet ve keremine mazharım.” gibi manalarla insandaki sanat-ı Rabbaniye tezahür eder. Demek Sâni’ine intisaptan ibaret olan iman, insandaki bütün âsâr-ı sanatı izhar eder. İnsanın kıymeti, o sanat-ı Rabbaniyeye göre olur ve âyine-i Samedaniye itibarıyladır. O halde şu ehemmiyetsiz olan insan, şu itibarla bütün mahlukat üstünde bir muhatab-ı İlahî ve cennete lâyık bir misafir-i Rabbanî olur.

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