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Yirmi Üçüncü Söz/en: Revizyonlar arasındaki fark

"O heedless man! See Almighty God’s munificence and generosity! Although it would be justice to record one evil as a thousand and a single good deed as one or not at all, He records a single evil as one, and a single good deed as ten, and sometimes as seventy or seven hundred, or even sometimes as seven thousand. You will also understand from this Remark that to be sent to Hell, which is so dreadful, is retribution for the deed and pu..." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu
("'''In Short:''' In regard to destruction and evil, the evil-commanding soul may commit infinite crimes, but concerning creativity and good, its power is extremely little and partial. Yes, he may destroy a house in one day, while it cannot be built in a hundred. However, if the soul gives up egoism and seeks good and existence from Divine assistance, and if it foregoes evil and destruction and relying on the soul, and seeking forgiveness becomes a true s..." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
("O heedless man! See Almighty God’s munificence and generosity! Although it would be justice to record one evil as a thousand and a single good deed as one or not at all, He records a single evil as one, and a single good deed as ten, and sometimes as seventy or seven hundred, or even sometimes as seven thousand. You will also understand from this Remark that to be sent to Hell, which is so dreadful, is retribution for the deed and pu..." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
130. satır: 130. satır:
'''In Short:''' In regard to destruction and evil, the evil-commanding soul may commit infinite crimes, but concerning creativity and good, its power is extremely little and partial. Yes, he may destroy a house  in one day, while it cannot be built in a hundred. However, if the soul gives up egoism and seeks good and existence from Divine assistance, and if it foregoes evil and destruction and relying on the soul, and seeking forgiveness becomes a true slave of God’s, then it will manifest the meaning of the verse, God will change their evil into good.(*<ref>*Qur’an, 25:70.</ref>) Its infinite capacity for evil will be transformed into an infinite capacity for good. It will acquire the value of the Most Excellent of Patterns and ascend to the highest of the high.
'''In Short:''' In regard to destruction and evil, the evil-commanding soul may commit infinite crimes, but concerning creativity and good, its power is extremely little and partial. Yes, he may destroy a house  in one day, while it cannot be built in a hundred. However, if the soul gives up egoism and seeks good and existence from Divine assistance, and if it foregoes evil and destruction and relying on the soul, and seeking forgiveness becomes a true slave of God’s, then it will manifest the meaning of the verse, God will change their evil into good.(*<ref>*Qur’an, 25:70.</ref>) Its infinite capacity for evil will be transformed into an infinite capacity for good. It will acquire the value of the Most Excellent of Patterns and ascend to the highest of the high.

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O heedless  man! See  Almighty God’s  munificence  and  generosity! Although  it would be justice to record one evil as a thousand and a single good deed as one or not at all, He records a single evil as one, and a single good deed as ten, and sometimes as seventy  or  seven  hundred, or  even  sometimes  as  seven  thousand.  You  will  also understand from this Remark that to be sent to Hell, which is so dreadful, is retribution for the deed and pure justice, while to be sent to Paradise is pure generosity.
İşte ey gafil insan! Bak Cenab-ı Hakk’ın fazlına ve keremine! Seyyieyi bir iken bin yazmak, haseneyi bir yazmak veya hiç yazmamak adalet olduğu halde; bir seyyieyi bir yazar, bir haseneyi on, bazen yetmiş, bazen yedi yüz, bazen yedi bin yazar. Hem şu nükteden anla ki o müthiş cehenneme girmek ceza-yı ameldir, ayn-ı adildir. Fakat cennete girmek, mahz-ı fazıldır.

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