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Yirmi Üçüncü Söz/en: Revizyonlar arasındaki fark

"But in regard to passivity, acceptance, supplication, and entreaty, man is an honoured traveller in this hostel of the world. He is the guest of One so generous that infinite treasuries of mercy have been opened to him and innumerable unique beings and servants subjugated to him. And a sphere so large has been prepared for this guest’s recreation, amusement, and benefit that half its diameter is as long and broad as the imagination can stretch." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu
("In regard to his acts and deeds and his labour man is a weak animal, an impotent creature. The extent of his power of disposal and ownership in this respect is so narrow that it is no greater than as far as his hand can reach. Domestic animals, even, the reins of which have been given to man, have each taken a share of his weakness, impotence, and laziness, so that if they are compared with their wild counterparts, a great difference is apparent. (Like d..." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
("But in regard to passivity, acceptance, supplication, and entreaty, man is an honoured traveller in this hostel of the world. He is the guest of One so generous that infinite treasuries of mercy have been opened to him and innumerable unique beings and servants subjugated to him. And a sphere so large has been prepared for this guest’s recreation, amusement, and benefit that half its diameter is as long and broad as the imagination can stretch." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
168. satır: 168. satır:
In regard to his acts and deeds and his labour man is a weak animal, an impotent creature. The extent of his power of disposal and ownership in this respect is so narrow that it is no greater than as far as his hand can reach. Domestic animals, even, the reins of which have been given to man, have each taken a share of his weakness, impotence, and laziness, so that if they are compared with their wild counterparts, a great difference is apparent. (Like domestic goats and cattle,  and wild goats and cattle).
In regard to his acts and deeds and his labour man is a weak animal, an impotent creature. The extent of his power of disposal and ownership in this respect is so narrow that it is no greater than as far as his hand can reach. Domestic animals, even, the reins of which have been given to man, have each taken a share of his weakness, impotence, and laziness, so that if they are compared with their wild counterparts, a great difference is apparent. (Like domestic goats and cattle,  and wild goats and cattle).

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But  in regard to  passivity, acceptance, supplication, and entreaty, man is an honoured traveller in this hostel of the world. He is the guest of One so generous that infinite treasuries of mercy have been opened to him and innumerable unique beings and servants subjugated to him. And a sphere so large has been prepared for this guest’s recreation, amusement, and benefit that half its diameter is as long and broad as the imagination can stretch.
Fakat o insan, infial ve kabul ve dua ve sual cihetinde, şu dünya hanında aziz bir yolcudur. Ve öyle bir Kerîm’e misafir olmuş ki nihayetsiz rahmet hazinelerini ona açmış. Ve hadsiz bedî’ masnuatını ve hizmetkârlarını ona musahhar etmiş. Ve o misafirin tenezzühüne ve temaşasına ve istifadesine öyle büyük bir daire açıp müheyya etmiştir ki o dairenin nısf-ı kutru –yani merkezden muhit hattına kadar– gözün kestiği miktar, belki hayalin gittiği yere kadar geniştir ve uzundur.

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