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Yirmi Üçüncü Söz/en: Revizyonlar arasındaki fark

"Whereas if he knows himself to be a guest and spends the capital of his life within the sphere of permission of the Generous One of Whom he is the guest, he will strive for a long, eternal life within a broad sphere, then take his rest and ease. And later, he may rise to the highest of the high. Moreover, all the members and systems given to man will be happy with him and testify in favour of him in the hereafter." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu
("Thus, if man relies on his ego, and making worldly life his goal, attempts to taste temporary pleasures while struggling to make his living, he becomes submerged within an extremely constricted sphere, then departs. All the members, systems, and faculties given him will testify against him at the resurrection and will bring a suit against him." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
("Whereas if he knows himself to be a guest and spends the capital of his life within the sphere of permission of the Generous One of Whom he is the guest, he will strive for a long, eternal life within a broad sphere, then take his rest and ease. And later, he may rise to the highest of the high. Moreover, all the members and systems given to man will be happy with him and testify in favour of him in the hereafter." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
172. satır: 172. satır:
Thus, if man relies on his ego, and making worldly life his goal, attempts to taste temporary pleasures while struggling to make his living, he becomes submerged within an extremely constricted sphere, then departs. All the members, systems, and faculties given him will testify against  him at the resurrection and will bring a suit against him.
Thus, if man relies on his ego, and making worldly life his goal, attempts to taste temporary pleasures while struggling to make his living, he becomes submerged within an extremely constricted sphere, then departs. All the members, systems, and faculties given him will testify against  him at the resurrection and will bring a suit against him.

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Whereas if he knows himself to be a guest and spends the capital of his life within the sphere of permission of the Generous One of Whom he is the guest, he will strive for a long, eternal life within a broad sphere, then take his rest and ease. And later, he may rise to the highest of the high. Moreover, all the members and systems given to man will be happy with him and testify in favour of him in the hereafter.
Eğer kendini misafir bilse misafir olduğu Zat-ı Kerîm’in izni dairesinde sermaye-i ömrünü sarf etse, öyle geniş bir daire içinde uzun bir hayat-ı ebediye için güzel çalışır ve teneffüs edip istirahat eder. Sonra a’lâ-yı illiyyîne kadar gidebilir. Hem de bu insana verilen bütün cihazat ve âlât, ondan memnun olarak âhirette lehinde şehadet ederler.

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