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Yirmi Üçüncü Söz/en: Revizyonlar arasındaki fark

"A man gave one of his servants ten pieces of gold and told him to have a suit of clothes made in a particular cloth. Then to a second one, he gave a thousand pieces of gold, and putting in the servant’s pocket a note on which certain things were written, sent him to a market. The first servant bought an excellent suit of the finest cloth with the ten pieces of gold. While the second servant did not use his head, and looking at the first servant and no..." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu
("This means that if man, who is created on the most excellent of patterns, restricts his thought to the life of this world, he falls a hundred times lower than a creature like a sparrow, although he is higher than the animals. I explained this fact in another place by means of a comparison. It is related to this, so I shall repeat it here. It was like this:" içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
("A man gave one of his servants ten pieces of gold and told him to have a suit of clothes made in a particular cloth. Then to a second one, he gave a thousand pieces of gold, and putting in the servant’s pocket a note on which certain things were written, sent him to a market. The first servant bought an excellent suit of the finest cloth with the ten pieces of gold. While the second servant did not use his head, and looking at the first servant and no..." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
178. satır: 178. satır:
This means that if man, who is created on the most excellent of patterns, restricts his thought to the life of this world, he falls a hundred times lower than a creature like a sparrow, although he is higher than the animals. I explained this fact in another place by means of a comparison. It is related to this, so I shall repeat it here. It was like this:
This means that if man, who is created on the most excellent of patterns, restricts his thought to the life of this world, he falls a hundred times lower than a creature like a sparrow, although he is higher than the animals. I explained this fact in another place by means of a comparison. It is related to this, so I shall repeat it here. It was like this:

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A man gave one of his servants ten pieces of gold and told him to have a suit of clothes made in a particular cloth. Then to a second one, he gave a thousand pieces of gold, and putting in the servant’s pocket a note on which certain things were written, sent him to a market. The first servant bought an excellent suit of the finest cloth with the ten pieces of gold. While the second servant did not  use his head, and looking at the first servant and not reading the account-note in his pocket, he gave the thousand pieces of gold to a shop keeper and asked for a suit of clothes. The dishonest shopkeeper gave him a suit of the very worst-quality cloth. Then the wretched servant returned to his lord and received a severe reprimand and a terrible punishment. Thus, even the most unintelligent will understand that the thousand pieces of gold given the second servant were not to buy a suit of clothes, but for some important trade.
Bir adam, bir hizmetkârına on altın verip “Mahsus bir kumaştan bir kat elbise yaptır.” emreder. İkincisine bin altın verir, bir pusula içinde bazı şeyler yazılı o hizmetkârın cebine koyar, bir pazara gönderir. Evvelki hizmetkâr, on altın ile a’lâ kumaştan mükemmel bir elbise alır. İkinci hizmetkâr, divanelik edip evvelki hizmetkâra bakıp, cebine konulan hesap pusulasını okumayarak bir dükkâncıya bin altın vererek bir kat elbise istedi. İnsafsız dükkâncı da kumaşın en çürüğünden bir kat elbise verdi. O bedbaht hizmetkâr, seyyidinin huzuruna geldi ve şiddetli bir te’dib gördü ve dehşetli bir azap çekti. İşte edna bir şuuru olan anlar ki ikinci hizmetkâra verilen bin altın, bir kat elbise almak için değildir. Belki mühim bir ticaret içindir.

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