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Yirmi Üçüncü Söz/en: Revizyonlar arasındaki fark

"The journey was the journey which passes from the World of Spirits, through the mother’s womb, youth, old age, the grave, the Intermediate Realm, the resurrection, and the Bridge of Sirat towards eternity. The sixty pieces of gold were the sixty years of life. I reckoned I saw the vision when I was forty-five years old. I had nothing to guarantee it, but a sincere student of the All-Wise Qur’an advised me to spend half of the fifteen that remained to..." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu
("So, that was the vision. May God cause good to come of it! I shall interpret one or two parts of it, then you can interpret the rest for yourself." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
("The journey was the journey which passes from the World of Spirits, through the mother’s womb, youth, old age, the grave, the Intermediate Realm, the resurrection, and the Bridge of Sirat towards eternity. The sixty pieces of gold were the sixty years of life. I reckoned I saw the vision when I was forty-five years old. I had nothing to guarantee it, but a sincere student of the All-Wise Qur’an advised me to spend half of the fifteen that remained to..." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
201. satır: 201. satır:
So, that was the vision. May God cause good to come of it! I shall interpret one or two parts of it, then you can interpret the rest for yourself.
So, that was the vision. May God cause good to come of it! I shall interpret one or two parts of it, then you can interpret the rest for yourself.

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The journey was the journey which passes from the World of Spirits, through the mother’s womb, youth, old age, the grave, the Intermediate Realm, the resurrection, and the Bridge of Sirat towards eternity. The sixty pieces of gold were the sixty years of life. I reckoned I saw the vision when I was forty-five years old. I had nothing to guarantee it, but a sincere student of the All-Wise Qur’an advised me to spend half of the fifteen that remained to me on the hereafter. The hostel for me was Istanbul. The train was time, and each year a carriage. As for the tunnel, it was the life of this world. The thorny flowers and  fruits  were  illicit  pleasures  and  forbidden  amusements which cause  pain  while indulging in them on thinking of their passing, and on  separation  lacerate the heart, making it bleed. They also cause a punishment to be inflicted. The porter on the train told me to give him five kurush so that he would give me as many as I wanted. The meaning of this is as follows: the pleasures and enjoyment man receives through licit striving within the sphere of what is lawful are sufficient for him. No need remains to enter the unlawful. You may interpret the rest for yourself.
O yolculuk ise âlem-i ervahtan, rahm-ı maderden, gençlikten, ihtiyarlıktan, kabirden, berzahtan, haşirden, köprüden geçen ebedü’l-âbâd tarafına bir yolculuktur. O altmış altın ise altmış sene ömürdür ki bu vakıayı gördüğüm vakit kendimi kırk beş yaşında tahmin ediyordum. Senedim yok, fakat bâki kalan on beşinden yarısını âhirete sarf etmek için Kur’an-ı Hakîm’in hâlis bir tilmizi beni irşad etti. O han ise benim için İstanbul imiş. O şimendifer ise zamandır. Her bir yıl bir vagondur. O tünel ise hayat-ı dünyeviyedir. O dikenli çiçekler ve meyveler ise lezaiz-i nâmeşruadır ve lehviyat-ı muharremedir ki mülakat esnasında tasavvur-u zevaldeki elem, kalbi kanatıyor. Müfarakatında parçalıyor. Cezayı dahi çektiriyor. Şimendifer hademesi demişti: “Beş kuruş ver, onlardan istediğin kadar vereceğim.” Onun tabiri şudur ki insanın helâl sa’yiyle meşru dairede gördüğü zevkler, lezzetler keyfine kâfidir. Harama girmeye ihtiyaç bırakmaz. Sair kısımları sen tabir edebilirsin…

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