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Yirmi Üçüncü Söz/en: Revizyonlar arasındaki fark

"Because for sure you are as though nothing with respect to your soul and form, but from the point of view of duty and rank, you are an observant spectator of this majestic universe, an eloquent, articulate tongue of these beings so full of wisdom, a discerning reader of this book of the universe, a supervisor of these creatures full of wonder at their glorifications, and like a foreman of these beings full of respect for their worship." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu
("Also, do not say: “I am nothing. What importance do I have that the universe should purposefully be made subject to me by an Absolutely All-Wise One, and universal thanks required of me?”" içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
("Because for sure you are as though nothing with respect to your soul and form, but from the point of view of duty and rank, you are an observant spectator of this majestic universe, an eloquent, articulate tongue of these beings so full of wisdom, a discerning reader of this book of the universe, a supervisor of these creatures full of wonder at their glorifications, and like a foreman of these beings full of respect for their worship." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
219. satır: 219. satır:
Also, do not say: “I am nothing. What importance do I have that the universe should purposefully be made subject to me by an Absolutely All-Wise One, and universal thanks required of me?”
Also, do not say: “I am nothing. What importance do I have that the universe should purposefully be made subject to me by an Absolutely All-Wise One, and universal thanks required of me?”

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Because for sure you are as though nothing with respect to your soul and form, but from the point of view of duty and rank, you are an observant spectator of this majestic universe, an eloquent, articulate tongue of these beings so full of wisdom, a discerning reader of this book of the universe, a supervisor of these creatures full of wonder at their glorifications, and like a foreman of these beings full of respect for their worship.
Çünkü sen, çendan nefsin ve suretin itibarıyla hiç hükmündesin. Fakat vazife ve mertebe noktasında, sen şu haşmetli kâinatın dikkatli bir seyircisi, şu hikmetli mevcudatın belâgatlı bir lisan-ı nâtıkı ve şu kitab-ı âlemin anlayışlı bir mütalaacısı ve şu tesbih eden mahlukatın hayretli bir nâzırı ve şu ibadet eden masnuatın hürmetli bir ustabaşısı hükmündesin.

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