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Yirmi Beşinci Söz/en: Revizyonlar arasındaki fark

"For example, consider the words like an old date-stalk, withered and curved in, And the moon We have determined mansions for till it returns like an old date-stalk, withered and curved;(*<ref>*Qur’an, 36:39.</ref>) see what a subtle style it displays. It is like this: one of the moon’s mansions is in the Pleiades. The Qur’an likens the moon when it is a crescent to a withered and whitened old date-stalk. Through this simile it depicts for the eye..." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu
("Now consider the style displayed by the window of the words." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
("For example, consider the words like an old date-stalk, withered and curved in, And the moon We have determined mansions for till it returns like an old date-stalk, withered and curved;(*<ref>*Qur’an, 36:39.</ref>) see what a subtle style it displays. It is like this: one of the moon’s mansions is in the Pleiades. The Qur’an likens the moon when it is a crescent to a withered and whitened old date-stalk. Through this simile it depicts for the eye..." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
283. satır: 283. satır:
Now consider the style displayed by the window of the words.  
Now consider the style displayed by the window of the words.  

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For example, consider the words like an old date-stalk, withered and curved in, And the moon We have determined mansions for till it returns like an old date-stalk, withered and curved;(*<ref>*Qur’an, 36:39.</ref>) see what a subtle style it displays. It is like this: one of the moon’s mansions is in the Pleiades. The Qur’an likens the moon when it is a crescent to a withered and whitened old date-stalk. Through this simile it depicts for the eye of the imagination a tree behind the green veil of the skies; one of its white, curved, luminous branches has rent the veil and raised its head; the Pleiades are like a bunch of grapes on the branch and the other stars all luminous fruits of  that hidden tree of creation. If you have any discernment, you will understand what an appropriate, graceful, subtle, and elevated style and manner of expression this is in the view of the desert-dwellers, for whom the date-palm is the most important means of livelihood.
وَال۟قَمَرَ قَدَّر۟نَاهُ مَنَازِلَ حَتّٰى عَادَ كَال۟عُر۟جُونِ ال۟قَدٖيمِ deki   كَال۟عُر۟جُونِ ال۟قَدٖيمِ   kelimesine bak, ne kadar latîf bir üslubu gösteriyor. Şöyle ki: Kamerin bir menzili var ki Süreyya yıldızlarının dairesidir. Kameri, hilâl vaktinde hurmanın eskimiş beyaz bir dalına teşbih eder. Şu teşbih ile semanın yeşil perdesi arkasında güya bir ağaç bulunuyor ki beyaz, sivri, nurani bir dalı, perdeyi yırtıp başını çıkarıp, Süreyya o dalın bir salkımı gibi ve sair yıldızlar o gizli hilkat ağacının birer münevver meyvesi olarak işitenin hayalî olan gözüne göstermekle; medar-ı maişetlerinin en mühimmi hurma ağacı olan sahra-nişinlerin nazarında ne kadar münasip, güzel, latîf, ulvi bir üslub-u ifade olduğunu zevkin varsa anlarsın.

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