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Yirmi Beşinci Söz/en: Revizyonlar arasındaki fark

"Or like the absurd philosophers who believed the universe to be without purpose and in vain, do they suppose themselves to be aimless and without wisdom, purpose, duty, or Creator? Have they become blind that they do not see that the universe is adorned from top to bottom with instances of wisdom and bears the fruit of aims, and that beings from particles to the suns are charged with duties and are subjugated to the Divine commands?" içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu
("Or were they created of nothing?(*<ref>*Qur’an, 52:35.</ref>)" içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
("Or like the absurd philosophers who believed the universe to be without purpose and in vain, do they suppose themselves to be aimless and without wisdom, purpose, duty, or Creator? Have they become blind that they do not see that the universe is adorned from top to bottom with instances of wisdom and bears the fruit of aims, and that beings from particles to the suns are charged with duties and are subjugated to the Divine commands?" içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
426. satır: 426. satır:
Or were they created of nothing?(*<ref>*Qur’an, 52:35.</ref>)
Or were they created of nothing?(*<ref>*Qur’an, 52:35.</ref>)

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Or like the absurd philosophers who believed the universe to be without purpose and in vain, do they suppose themselves to be aimless and without wisdom, purpose, duty, or Creator? Have they become blind that they do not see that the universe is adorned from top to bottom with  instances of wisdom and bears the fruit of aims, and that beings from particles to the suns  are charged with duties and are subjugated to the Divine commands?
Veyahut kâinatı abes ve gayesiz itikad eden felasife-i abesiyyun gibi kendilerini başıboş, hikmetsiz, gayesiz, vazifesiz, hâlıksız mı zannediyorlar? Acaba gözleri kör olmuş, görmüyorlar mı ki kâinat baştan aşağıya kadar hikmetlerle müzeyyen ve gayelerle müsmirdir ve mevcudat, zerrelerden güneşlere kadar vazifelerle muvazzaftır ve evamir-i İlahiyeye musahharlardır.

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