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Yirmi Beşinci Söz/en: Revizyonlar arasındaki fark

"The Second: The sun is an official charged with spreading out the wares of its light and wrapping the head of the earth alternately in light and darkness. Every evening it gathers up its wares and conceals them, and sometimes it does scant business due to the veil of a cloud, and sometimes the moon draws a veil over its face and somewhat hinders its transactions, then it adjusts the account books of its wares and transactions. Similarly,..." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu
("The First: Almighty God drew back the veils of non-existence, the ether, and the skies, and taking from the treasury of His mercy a lamp like a sparkling brilliant to illuminate the world, displayed it to the world. When the world is closed, He shall rewrap that brilliant in its veils and remove it." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
("The Second: The sun is an official charged with spreading out the wares of its light and wrapping the head of the earth alternately in light and darkness. Every evening it gathers up its wares and conceals them, and sometimes it does scant business due to the veil of a cloud, and sometimes the moon draws a veil over its face and somewhat hinders its transactions, then it adjusts the account books of its wares and transactions. Similarly,..." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
Etiketler: Mobil değişiklik Mobil ağ değişikliği
1.015. satır: 1.015. satır:
The First: Almighty God drew back the veils of non-existence, the ether, and the skies,  and  taking from the treasury of His mercy a lamp like a sparkling brilliant to illuminate the  world, displayed it to the world. When the world is closed, He shall rewrap that brilliant in its veils and remove it.
The First: Almighty God drew back the veils of non-existence, the ether, and the skies,  and  taking from the treasury of His mercy a lamp like a sparkling brilliant to illuminate the  world, displayed it to the world. When the world is closed, He shall rewrap that brilliant in its veils and remove it.

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The Second: The sun is an official charged with spreading out the wares of its light and  wrapping the head  of the earth alternately in light and  darkness. Every evening  it  gathers  up  its  wares  and  conceals  them, and  sometimes  it  does  scant business due to the veil of a cloud, and sometimes the moon draws a veil over its face and somewhat hinders its transactions, then it adjusts the account books of its wares and transactions. Similarly, a time  will come when this official will resign from its post. Even if there is no cause for its  dismissal, due to the enlargement of the two black spots on its face, as has begun, with Divine permission the sun will take back the light that it spreads at a dominical command and wrap it around its own head. It will be told: “No work remains for you on earth. Go to Hell  and burn those who worshipped you and insulted an obedient official like yourself by inferring you were disloyal!It will read out the decree of When the Sun is folded up through its black- spotted face.
'''İkinci:''' Veya ziya metaını neşretmek ve zeminin kafasına ziyayı, zulmetle münavebeten sarmakla muvazzaf bir memur olduğunu ve her akşam o memura metaını toplattırıp gizlettiği gibi kâh olur bir bulut perdesiyle alışverişini az yapar; kâh olur ay onun yüzüne karşı perde olur, muamelesini bir derece çeker, metaını ve muamelat defterlerini topladığı gibi elbette o memur bir vakit o memuriyetten infisal edecektir. Hattâ hiçbir sebeb-i azl bulunmazsa şimdilik küçük fakat büyümeye yüz tutmuş yüzündeki iki leke büyümekle güneş yerin başına izn-i İlahî ile sardığı ziyayı, emr-i Rabbanî ile geriye alıp, güneşin başına sarıp “Haydi yerde işin kalmadı.” der, “Cehenneme git, sana ibadet edip senin gibi bir memur-u musahharı sadakatsizlikle tahkir edenleri yak.” der.   اِذَا الشَّم۟سُ كُوِّرَت۟   fermanını lekeli siyah yüzüyle yüzünde okur.

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