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Yirmi Beşinci Söz/en: Revizyonlar arasındaki fark

"In this Sura, the Qur’an says: “By adorning the heavens and the earth in this way and displaying the works of His perfection, their All-Glorious Creator causes innumerable spectators to extol and praise Him. He decks them out with uncountable bounties so that the heavens and the earth praise and extol unendingly the Most Merciful Creator through the tongues of all the bounties and those who receive them.” After this it points out that since the Cr..." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu
("And, for example: Praise be to God, Creator of the heavens and the earth, Who made the angels messengers with wings, two, three, or four [pairs]: He adds to creation as He pleases, for God is Powerful over all things.(*<ref>*Qur’an, 35:1.</ref>)" içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
("In this Sura, the Qur’an says: “By adorning the heavens and the earth in this way and displaying the works of His perfection, their All-Glorious Creator causes innumerable spectators to extol and praise Him. He decks them out with uncountable bounties so that the heavens and the earth praise and extol unendingly the Most Merciful Creator through the tongues of all the bounties and those who receive them.” After this it points out that since the Cr..." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
1.037. satır: 1.037. satır:
And, for example: Praise be to  God, Creator of the heavens and the earth, Who  made the angels  messengers  with  wings,  two,  three,  or  four  [pairs]:  He  adds  to creation as He pleases, for God is Powerful over all things.(*<ref>*Qur’an, 35:1.</ref>)
And, for example: Praise be to  God, Creator of the heavens and the earth, Who  made the angels  messengers  with  wings,  two,  three,  or  four  [pairs]:  He  adds  to creation as He pleases, for God is Powerful over all things.(*<ref>*Qur’an, 35:1.</ref>)

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In this Sura, the Qur’an says: “By adorning the heavens and the earth in this way and displaying the works of His perfection, their All-Glorious Creator causes innumerable spectators to extol and praise Him. He decks them out with uncountable bounties so that the heavens and the earth praise and extol unendingly the Most Merciful Creator through the tongues of all the  bounties and those who receive them.” After this it points out that since the Creator has  given men and the animals and birds members and wings with which to travel through the towns and lands of the earth, and since that All-Glorious One has also given wings to the angels, the inhabitants of the realm of the heavens, in order to fly through the celestial palaces of the stars and lofty lands of the constellations, He is certainly powerful over all things. The  One Who gives wings to a fly, to fly from fruit to fruit, and wings to a sparrow to fly from tree to tree, is the One Who gives wings to the angels to fly from Venus to Jupiter. Furthermore, the angels are not restricted to particularity like the dwellers of the earth; they are not confined by a specific place. With the words: two, three, or four [pairs], it suggests that at one time  they may be present on four or more stars; it gives details.
İşte şu surede, “Semavat ve arzın Fâtır-ı Zülcelal’i, semavat ve arzı öyle bir tarzda tezyin edip âsâr-ı kemalini göstermekle hadsiz seyircilerinden Fâtır’ına hadsiz medh ü senalar ettiriyor ve öyle de hadsiz nimetlerle süslendirmiş ki sema ve zemin bütün nimetlerin ve nimet-dîdelerin lisanlarıyla o Fâtır-ı Rahman’ına nihayetsiz hamd ü sitayiş ederler.” dedikten sonra, yerin şehirleri ve memleketleri içinde Fâtır’ın verdiği cihazat ve kanatlarıyla seyr ü seyahat eden insanlarla hayvanat ve tuyûr gibi; semavî saraylar olan yıldızlar ve ulvi memleketleri olan burçlarda gezmek ve tayeran etmek için o memleketin sekeneleri olan meleklerine kanat veren Zat-ı Zülcelal, elbette her şeye kadîr olmak lâzım gelir. Bir sineğe, bir meyveden bir meyveye; bir serçeye, bir ağaçtan bir ağaca uçmak kanadını veren, Zühre’den Müşteri’ye, Müşteri’den Zühal’e uçacak kanatları o veriyor. Hem melâikeler, sekene-i zemin gibi cüz’iyete münhasır değiller, bir mekân-ı muayyen onları kaydedemiyor. Bir vakitte dört veya daha ziyade yıldızlarda bulunduğuna işaret مَث۟نٰى وَثُلَاثَ وَرُبَاعَ   kelimeleriyle tafsil verir.

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