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Yirmi Beşinci Söz/en: Revizyonlar arasındaki fark

"A watch in our hand appears to be constant, but its inside is in perpetual upheaval through the motion of the workings and the constant anguish of the cogwheels and parts. In just the same way, together with its apparent stability, this world, which is a huge clock of Divine power, is perpetually revolving within upheaval and change, transience and evanescence." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu
("We shall therefore look at the differences between human philosophy and Qur’anic wisdom in regard to this matter of looking at things either briefly or in detail, and shall see which is pure truth and reality." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
("A watch in our hand appears to be constant, but its inside is in perpetual upheaval through the motion of the workings and the constant anguish of the cogwheels and parts. In just the same way, together with its apparent stability, this world, which is a huge clock of Divine power, is perpetually revolving within upheaval and change, transience and evanescence." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
Etiketler: Mobil değişiklik Mobil ağ değişikliği
1.148. satır: 1.148. satır:
We shall therefore look at the differences between human philosophy and Qur’anic wisdom in regard to this matter of looking at  things  either briefly or in detail, and shall see which is pure truth and reality.
We shall therefore look at the differences between human philosophy and Qur’anic wisdom in regard to this matter of looking at  things  either briefly or in detail, and shall see which is pure truth and reality.

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A watch in our hand appears to be constant, but its inside is in perpetual upheaval through the motion of the workings and the constant anguish of the cogwheels and parts. In just the same way, together with its apparent stability, this world, which is a huge clock of Divine  power, is perpetually revolving within upheaval and change, transience and evanescence.
İşte nasıl elimizdeki saat, sureten sabit görünüyor. Fakat içindeki çarkların harekâtıyla, daimî içinde bir zelzele ve âlet ve çarklarının ızdırapları vardır. Aynen onun gibi kudret-i İlahiyenin bir saat-i kübrası olan şu dünya, zâhirî sabitiyetiyle beraber daimî zelzele ve tagayyürde, fena ve zevalde yuvarlanıyor.

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Indeed, since time has entered the world, night and day are like a two-headed hand counting the seconds of that huge clock.
Evet, dünyaya zaman girdiği için gece ve gündüz, o saat-i kübranın saniyelerini sayan iki başlı bir mil hükmündedir.

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The years are like a hand counting its minutes, while the centuries count its hours.
Sene, o saatin dakikalarını sayan bir ibre vaziyetindedir.

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