İçeriğe atla

Yirmi Beşinci Söz/en: Revizyonlar arasındaki fark

"And the space of the earth, which is like the floor of the house of the world, since with life and death and the animals and plants its face changes very rapidly, like a minute-hand it shows that this aspect of the world also is transient." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu
("Together with this form which time gives the world, with regard to space also it is like an unstable clock undergoing revolution. For since the space of the atmosphere changes swiftly and quickly passes from one state to another through being filled and emptied with clouds sometimes several times a day, it causes change like a hand counting the seconds." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
Etiketler: Mobil değişiklik Mobil ağ değişikliği
("And the space of the earth, which is like the floor of the house of the world, since with life and death and the animals and plants its face changes very rapidly, like a minute-hand it shows that this aspect of the world also is transient." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
Etiketler: Mobil değişiklik Mobil ağ değişikliği
1.158. satır: 1.158. satır:
Together with this form which time gives the world, with regard to space also it is like an unstable clock undergoing revolution. For since the space of the atmosphere changes swiftly and quickly passes from one state to another through being filled and emptied with  clouds sometimes several times a day, it causes change like a hand counting the seconds.
Together with this form which time gives the world, with regard to space also it is like an unstable clock undergoing revolution. For since the space of the atmosphere changes swiftly and quickly passes from one state to another through being filled and emptied with  clouds sometimes several times a day, it causes change like a hand counting the seconds.

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And the space of the earth, which is like the floor of the house of the world, since with life and death and the animals and plants its face changes very rapidly, like a minute-hand it shows that this aspect of the world also is transient.
Şimdi, dünya hanesinin tabanı olan mekân-ı arz ise yüzü mevt ve hayatça, nebat ve hayvanca pek çabuk tebeddül ettiğinden dakikaları sayan bir mil hükmünde, dünyanın şu ciheti geçici olduğunu gösterir.

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And just as the earth is like this in regard to its  face,  so  through  the  revolutions  and  upheavals  within  it,  and  the  mountains emerging as a result and disappearing, this aspect of the world is slowly passing also, like an hour-hand.
Zemin yüzü itibarıyla böyle olduğu gibi batnındaki inkılabat ve zelzelelerle ve onların neticesinde cibalin çıkmaları ve hasflar vuku bulması, saatleri sayan bir mil gibi dünyanın şu ciheti ağırca mürur edicidir, gösterir.

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