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Yirmi Beşinci Söz/en: Revizyonlar arasındaki fark

"'''Fifth Point:''' One wing of the Qur’an is in the past, and one is in the future, and just as its root and one wing are the agreed truths of the former prophets, and it confirms and corroborates them, and they too confirm it with the tongue of unanimity, so too all the true sufi paths and ways of sainthood whose fruits, the saints and purified scholars, who receive life from the Qur’an, show through their vital spiritual progress that their bl..." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu
("He saw that this pre-eternal address and eternal decree instructs the conscious beings lined up in the centuries, revealing the universe to be like a huge mosque, and foremost the heavens and the earth, and all beings, to be employed in the glorification and remembrance of God, enthusiastically performing their duties with joy and eagerness. He appreciated the degree of eloquence of this verse, and comparing the others to it, understood one of..." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
("'''Fifth Point:''' One wing of the Qur’an is in the past, and one is in the future, and just as its root and one wing are the agreed truths of the former prophets, and it confirms and corroborates them, and they too confirm it with the tongue of unanimity, so too all the true sufi paths and ways of sainthood whose fruits, the saints and purified scholars, who receive life from the Qur’an, show through their vital spiritual progress that their bl..." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
1.252. satır: 1.252. satır:
He saw that this pre-eternal address and eternal decree instructs the conscious beings lined  up in the centuries, revealing the universe to be like a huge mosque, and foremost the heavens and the earth, and all beings, to be employed in the glorification and remembrance of God, enthusiastically performing  their  duties  with  joy  and  eagerness. He appreciated  the degree of eloquence of this verse, and  comparing the others to it, understood  one of the thousands  of  instances of wisdom  in  the  recitation  of  the  Qur’an’s eloquence overspreading  half  the  earth  and  a fifth of mankind, and, being held  in  utter veneration, perpetuating its sublime sovereignty for fourteen centuries without break.
He saw that this pre-eternal address and eternal decree instructs the conscious beings lined  up in the centuries, revealing the universe to be like a huge mosque, and foremost the heavens and the earth, and all beings, to be employed in the glorification and remembrance of God, enthusiastically performing  their  duties  with  joy  and  eagerness. He appreciated  the degree of eloquence of this verse, and  comparing the others to it, understood  one of the thousands  of  instances of wisdom  in  the  recitation  of  the  Qur’an’s eloquence overspreading  half  the  earth  and  a fifth of mankind, and, being held  in  utter veneration, perpetuating its sublime sovereignty for fourteen centuries without break.

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'''Fourth Point:''' The Qur’an displays an agreeableness so true that for those who recite it, its many repetitions, which are the cause of even the sweetest things being wearied of, do not  cause weariness, rather for those whose hearts are not corrupted and taste spoilt, the repetitions  increase its agreeableness. Since early times this has been accepted by everyone and become proverbial.
'''Dördüncü Nokta:''' Kur’an, öyle hakikatli bir halâvet göstermiş ki en tatlı bir şeyden dahi usandıran çok tekrar, Kur’an’ı tilavet edenler için değil usandırmak, belki kalbi çürümemiş ve zevki bozulmamış adamlara tekrar-ı tilaveti halâvetini ziyadeleştirdiği, eski zamandan beri herkesçe müsellem olup darb-ı mesel hükmüne geçmiş.

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Furthermore, it demonstrates such a freshness, youth, and originality that although it has lived for fourteen centuries and has been freely available to everyone, it has preserved its freshness as though newly revealed.  Each century has seen it to  be  young  as though it  was addressing that century in particular. And although in order to benefit  from  it all the time, all the branches of scholars have always had copies of it present with them in large numbers and have followed and emulated its style and manner of expression, it has preserved the originality in its style and manner of exposition exactly.
Hem öyle bir tazelik ve gençlik ve şebabet ve garabet göstermiş ki on dört asır yaşadığı ve herkesin eline kolayca girdiği halde, şimdi nâzil olmuş gibi tazeliğini muhafaza ediyor. Her asır, kendine hitap ediyor gibi bir gençlikte görmüş. Her taife-i ilmiye ondan her vakit istifade etmek için kesretle ve mebzuliyetle yanlarında bulundurdukları ve üslub-u ifadesine ittiba ve iktida ettikleri halde o üslubundaki ve tarz-ı beyanındaki garabetini aynen muhafaza ediyor.

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'''Fifth Point:''' One wing of the Qur’an is in the past, and one is in the future, and just as  its root and one wing are the agreed truths of the former prophets, and it confirms and corroborates them, and they too confirm it with the tongue of unanimity, so  too all the true  sufi  paths and ways  of sainthood whose fruits, the saints and purified scholars, who receive life from the Qur’an, show through their vital spiritual progress that their blessed tree is living, effulgent,  and the means to truth. They grow and live under the protection of its second wing, and testify that the Qur’an is pure truth and the assembly of truths and in its comprehensiveness, is a matchless wonder.
'''Beşinci Nokta:''' Kur’an’ın bir cenahı mazide, bir cenahı müstakbelde, kökü ve bir kanadı eski peygamberlerin ittifaklı hakikatleri olduğu ve bu onları tasdik ve teyid ettiği ve onlar dahi tevafukun lisan-ı haliyle bunu tasdik ettikleri gibi; öyle de evliya ve asfiya gibi ondan hayat alan semereleri, hayattar tekemmülleriyle, şecere-i mübarekelerinin hayattar, feyizdar ve hakikat-medar olduğuna delâlet eden ve ikinci kanadının himayesi altında yetişen ve yaşayan velayetin bütün hak tarîkatları ve İslâmiyet’in bütün hakikatli ilimleri, Kur’an’ın ayn-ı hak ve mecma-ı hakaik ve câmiiyette misilsiz bir hârika olduğuna şehadet eder.

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